วันอังคารที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

top 10 racing bikes

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 12:04
top 10 racing bikes
Nobody can say that competition is the necessity is the mother of invention. In considering the history of mountain biking this need is the chief inspiration for the sports competition, fun and popular.

The three factors that determine the history of mountain biking, people are passionate enough to the sport, the geographical terrain, and the invention of mountain bikes.


It was in the late 1960s, when a couple from San Francisco tired of grinding life they lead. Their departure from the urban life in Marin County, where life was quieter and less hectic with a rustic Escapade.

Over time, their passion for cycling with the mountain view they landed with a competitive bike race organized by a 3-track route miles of the city fire in Fairfax. Other bikers soon the race with the hope of creating new records. It was on a downward slope of 1600 feet, in the race. Thus began mountain bike racing.

Soon the word, but in view of the possible dangers of the sport had to be canceled manifests. This was because the driver does not meet the insurance requirements. This was how the race ended.

The geographical area

However, popularity does not die. The official birthplace of mountain biking was on the mountain Tamalpais in California.

At the beginning, in which cyclists would race at Mount Tam, and take the bicycles to the top of the hill by other means of conveyance. Later she came not only but also to explore other avenues uphill. This was a good thing because it stretched the scope of the mountain bike race - not only down, but race as well.

The Extras

The wheel has also been through a metamorphosis. Changes began in the mountain bike, such as tires, seat, safety precautions. One of the changes that the replacement of typical braking system in a normal bike with cantilever brakes. This gave the wheel the power to break quickly to brave extreme terrain. If you are an avid mountain biker, you must agree that a mountain bike needs to be brave dangerous terrain to steeply.

Another change, the more gears for the bikers to the scaling of the higher mountains and hills. Since not all bikers with their bikes for scaling mountains of the same height. A competent enough bike, hard enough and it is therefore necessary for all kinds of heights.

Adam Peters is a syndicated columnist on different resources like http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com Read reviews about bicycle and cool bikes at his web.

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