วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

electric and hybrid vehicles today

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:15
electric and hybrid vehicles today
What are the new hybrid cars, which are available on the market?

Any car or vehicle that is more than one source of power is a hybrid vehicle.

Today the majority of hybrid vehicles on the road connecting gas and electricity to the power for the propulsion of the vehicle. Diesel-electric hybrids are the new upcoming hybrid offers more fuel efficiency with the new VW car to bring to the American market. How does the most popular hybrid vehicle-(gas-electricity-) work?

The basic principle behind the work of these hybrid-vehicle system is the combination of the two sources of power a gas engine and a high powered and battery powered for the operation of the electric motor of the car. In hybrid cars, the batteries do not have to pay because they are outside the charge itself again the energy that is normally lost when a vehicle slows down or slowed down.

Another seemingly obvious advantage is that they save on the amount of fuel, the more miles per gallon of fuel as opposed to cars that are only on fuel. Although in principle the operation of hybrid cars are the same (a combination of gas engine with an electric motor, which in harmony) the connection between different types of hybrids.

In some hybrid cars, if additional power is required, the electric motor only to support the drive, the fuel through the engine. The two functions (the electric motor and gas engine) must be held separately as an electric motor can not work independently and also the battery is not loaded with power and the electric motor at the same time. The notion that this type of hybrid cars / vehicles is generally considered mild hybrids. Examples of vehicles which fall into this category are Honda Civic (2004 and 2005) hybrids and the Honda Insight.

On the other hand, when certain conditions are achieved, there are other types of hybrid cars, when the electric motor, the battery can work independently of the gas engine. This usually happens if the car is cruising speed at low speeds when the car more power to at higher speeds the gas engine takes over. The third phase in which both systems will co-operate if the vehicle is traveling at very high speeds. Another advantage to this type of hybrid vehicles are known as the "full hybrids" is that the battery can also be charged with power and the engine in the same time. Examples of vehicles which fall into this category are Ford Escape, Toyota Highlander and Honda Civic (2006 and higher).

Currently support the majority of hybrid vehicles that are available, because this is still in the developing technology, which costs as much as some of the most expensive cars on the market, it remains out of reach for most people. Until it commercially in large quantities in order to reduce prices they will be some benefit to the community. Another problem is that with this type of hybrid vehicles is the design of the batteries, which were built to less than 10 years. Not very eco-design!

A big plus for the American owners of hybrid cars is that they currently enjoy a tax credit of $ 2,000 to $ 50,000 from the IRS --

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