วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

costs of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:21
costs of hybrid vehicles
Well I finally test drove the 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV as part of my research into more fuel-efficient vehicles. If you do not read my previous article, I would like you up to speed faster. I currently drive A 2002 Nissan XTERRA and I'm growing with the increasing fuel prices. What I wanted to know was I, to my joy of driving an SUV to save money?

The first phase of my research was to a Ford Escape hybrid to be tested. Sounds simple enough, but turns out it was a difficult task because it is the best-selling compact SUV in Canada. While there are about 5 Ford dealer near my residence, I had to travel to another major city to find it. So finally I was staring at a black 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid 4WD. The appearance was pleasantly aggressive, and I really like the front-end face-lifts that Ford has for many of its vehicles. The roof was a nice extra to my kayak and the interior spacious enough for the equipment that I carry on my kayaking adventure. Although the interior would be my equipment, it was not enough for my mountain bike, but this can be solved with the tower rack. I do not think I could sleep in the back, but I think I may be in a better than my tent is leaking. In addition to the bike and sleeping quarters, I was still impressed.

Let us return to the hybrid part of this machine. The dashboard was good, and the battery indicator was fascinating. I wanted to know where the 330-volt battery and has been saved, but the sales staff does not let me open the metal cover on the back. My question to the seller was, how reliable is the battery? The sales staff has assured me that it is very reliable and has an 8-year warranty.

Ok, so the Escape Hybird looks like a regular SUV and has a battery, but how does it drive? When I heard it I use the typical 4-cylinder gas engine instantly. The seller explained that the hybrid has been for some time in idle and thus the batteries, some before loading into and would soon come with some of the trip. The way the battery is charged, it is the energy, during break and stores it in the battery. I was curious to see how long it would take for me to drive up the fee would be enough, so I ventured to the bustling streets of Mississauga. At the 6-minute mark of the driving I was shocked by what happens next, while at a red light the engine was so quiet that I first noted with dismay that the vehicle was turned off - great, in a busy intersection! I started to laugh, as I pressed the accelerator pedal (not the gas pedal) and the Ford hybrid punched forward. It was in electric mode - amazing! As soon as I started accelerating, the engine went into gas mode when the demand was too much for the battery and needs more loaded. More time for the batteries to charge fully, I would have more electric driving.

During my short trip I experienced the electric and gas modes. I was very impressed by the performance in electric mode. The sound and the feeling was like driving a golf cart (a much larger golf cart with accessories of course). I felt really good to be in electric mode during this time, I was not demanding fuel economy and emissions of trucks were virtually non-existent.

I must note that the Ford Escape Hybrid is a must for all riders who like SUV's. How many of us, in connection with hybrid "small" "Now it is our opinion on" fuel efficient "and" functional. "Try a hybrid, save money and the environment.

Do you have a comment? Please feel free to contact me: @ sean.stewart yourautomarket.com

About Sean Stewart Sean Stewart is the President of http://www.YourAutoMarket.com - A unique online connection automatically classified site used vehicle buyers and sellers through online ads using "virtual test drive" video. Both the private and Sellers and traders use YourAutoMarket.com 's video ads to attract more customers and a better selling price. YourAutoMarket.com donates $ 1 from each entry to add to the Lincoln County Humane Society. Learn more about YourAutoMarket.com' s on http://www.YourAutoMarket.com

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