วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

different hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:11
different hybrid vehicles
As you read this, gas prices rise. For many, fuel costs now a large part of their already tight Paycheck. With the economy in this precarious state, this increase is crippling many families. If you are like many Americans, you have may be compatible with your gas pollution sucking machine. Do you remember the times in which the most fuel efficient SUV you could find was a sign of accomplishment. Today the car, which is the best mileage and produces the fewest pounds of Carbon dioxide is the "in". With gas prices projected to climb, hybrids are better and better.

What exactly is a hybrid, you may ask? Simply put, a hybrid is a vehicle that consists of more than one kind of power. Hybrids are the two traditional gas engine and a motor, the battery life. These cars are lighter and more aerodynamic in order to fuel economy. Also, the motors are smaller, but because of the extra battery, they still provide all the power that the average driver.

So now that we know what a hybrid is, we make some comparisons between a few hybrid SUVs and their traditional counterparts. For comparison, we have an impact on gas mileage calculator www.hybrid.com. We also have an annual mileage of 15,000 and the price of gas at $ 4.45. Let's start with the Ford Escape and the Ford Escape Hybrid. The gas-powered version will be used 22mpg and 672 liters of gas per year at a price of $ 2990.91. Ecologically speaking, it uses 11,400 pounds of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. The hybrid version is 32 mpg, which is equivalent to 468 gallons per year and costs $ 2081.03 on fuel. It also provides 8885 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air, 3885 pounds less than the original and an escape savings of $ 909.88 per year in gas costs.

The second vehicle comparison is between the Toyota Highlander and the Toyota Highlander hybrid. Starting with the gas engine again, the Highlander offers an astonishing 19 mpg, with 779 liters of gas per year and it cost $ 3465.54 owner to drive. This is also 14,797 pounds of greenhouse gases into the air. Compare this to the hybrid counterpart, and you will get 26 mpg allowing up to 576 liters of gas at $ 2561.22, it also provides 10,936 liters of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This represents a saving of $ 904.32 and holds 421 pounds of gases not released.

There are other advantages for the owner other than a hybrid gas mileage improves. For example, the government has a $ 3,000.00 tax credit to the Ford Escape Hybrid. Also some companies now offer incentives to their employees who purchase and drive hybrids. These range from $ 1,500 to a few companies at a rich $ 10,000 to others.

There are a few pages down to hybrids if. Some manufacturers are simply not enough supply and demand, you may need to wait a bit before you actually receive the vehicle you want. The cost for the hybrid compared to its gas-guzzling brother can be much higher. The gas-saving, tax breaks and incentives do not help employers. Plus, if you take into account the pollutants do you think of the environment, it is not worth a little extra cash. What world do you want to leave? This may be the real question.

Gary Carter, is a freelance writer and netrepreneur. Love your gas tank and keep your wallet in your pocket. Get your free report "60 Insider Secrets gas you do not want you to know about saving money at the pump" on my website: http://www.MyGasMileageSucks.com

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