วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

battery for hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:19
battery for hybrid vehicles
The word hybrid when used in biology is a hybrid between two species. So, how does the translation of the popular car? It is exactly that, a mix between two types of vehicles.

A hybrid car combines two technologies to create a more fuel efficient outcome. It combines a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine with an electric motor to drive a motor vehicle. The increased interest in hybrid cars come from the failure of the two technologies offer an acceptable method for the drive. Each had its own problems, and the combination of them seemed to create a compromise solution.

There are a few standards that are used to define an acceptable automobile. It must be able, at a speed that allows traffic on the motorway speeds and it has a range of at least several one hundred miles without refueling, or in the case of electric cars charged. Gasoline powered cars had no problems with the minimum requirements for speed and distance, but they create environmental and cost reasons, because of their dependence on petroleum based fuel for propulsion.

The alternatives were sought to gasoline vehicles, electricity was seen as an option. Several models of electric cars have been developed, but they could not reach the lack of a problem. The electric batteries had a limited memory capacity and the vehicles were only able to travel a limited number of miles before it needs to be recharged. The charge was time-consuming and long rides in electric cars are impossible or too time consuming.

The hybrid car was a compromise between the two species. They have both an electric and a gasoline-powered engine. In many cases, the gasoline engine is used for a generator that continually loads the batteries of electric motors. This eliminates the need to recharge the batteries. The hybrid cars with several other technological innovations. One example is the regenerative braking. Here, the kinetic energy of the electric motor is to slow down the car and recharge the electric motors actually during the braking process.

The hybrid car has developed from the experimental stage and some are in full production. Others are in the final stages of production and several new models are expected in the coming years. The rising cost of petrol by interest in the efficient hybrids is very high, and the Federal Government with tax credits to further encourage the acquisition of them. It seems that the consensus of many in the automotive industry that it is not a good solution to the problems of propulsion for automobiles of the future. This feeling has led to the idea that perhaps a combination of factors is the best approach.

Find hybrid car dealer near you to HybridCarDealerDepot.com.

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