วันพุธที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

employment insurance in ontario canada

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 11:56
employment insurance in ontario canada
Life insurance is one expense that everyone should do in order to safe guard your family's future. Many people do not like to invest money in life insurance. They believe that putting money in an insurance policy is like wasting your money. Believe me your money is refunded back to you in the form of safe guarding your family. Just think about this, just one expense of your funeral can cost your family thousands of dollars which is taken care of by your insurance cover. It also takes care of your debts and helps protect your family from any financial mess that may arise out of your death.

I remember how one of my friends had not a right decision when purchasing a life insurance policy. We were neighbors and of our childhood, we were good friends. We grew together and became, if I am eighteen years old, I always have my first insurance brochures in mail. I have the discussion with my friend. He never took insurance issues seriously. He used to say that right now he is under his parents' insurance, and no need for the purchase of insurance separately. As always, I enrolled in a whole life insurance. Slowly, when we both finished our school and for further investigations, we had to go to a High School. We both have a bank loan for them. By the time we finished our high school and landed a good job, had borrowed the money that we had from the bank in a large amount. It has, after some personal loans and then a loan to top it all. In addition to these loans, he had a car loan, and not to forget the credit card bills. If all this together, it was his property.

I have advised him to at least one type of life insurance, at least to ensure that its liabilities. He used to say that life insurance is a waste of money and said instead of paying the insurance company he can always use that money to repay the debts that he had created. Neither has he ruled that insurance is a blanket coverage for your dependents, which by any undesirable what can happen that accidentally anytime in your life. One day he had a heart attack and died on it. His family was shocked by this sudden situation that came to them unexpectedly. They had even more problems when one of the creditor is entitled to his property and started his family, finally, two children and his wife were all homeless people without any property at all. Now they are the worst time of their lives.

Had my friend, a life insurance policy from which this kind of situation could have been avoided. Insurance is not a luxury that anyone would like to have, but it is even more important then a luxury so as to protect your loved ones in times of when you are not there. Life insurance is designed to take care of your loved ones and protects them from any adverse happening.

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