วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

compare hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:20
compare hybrid vehicles
You may be surprised to learn that the United States consumes a quarter of the world's oil but has only three percent of global oil reserves on their own territory. As a result, America is forced to import more than 60% of the oil our country needs, which are more and more about foreign countries, especially in the Middle East, to support our oil addiction.

Many experts are under the impression that the introduction and popularity of hybrid vehicles in the United States is our dependence on foreign oil. Powered share of gasoline and electric engines, hybrids use much less gasoline than conventional vehicles and therefore less oil. About 11 million barrels of oil in the U.S. every day, and although most of it is a contribution to the industry, the operation of vehicles with a little oil hybrids and that a way to make this amount.

Since the market is responding so well to the introduction of hybrid vehicles, it is predicted that more Americans to buy fuel-efficient cars, including lower costs for gasoline and are better for the environment. Many are also hybrid buyers win incentives offered by the government, and have been spreading the word about the benefits of hybrid vehicles to their friends and families

Although the U.S. oil addiction is through the sale of hybrids, it is unlikely that there is a big selling factor. It was recently discovered that if every car in the United States was a hybrid car, the country would save about 15 percent more oil than usual. Because oil is such a hot commodity, this seemingly small amount could have a lot in the political and economic world and effect as the American consumers' attitudes about the environment.

Although consumers are comfortable hybrids on the market, the vehicles will be sold faster than they can change and the dependence of the U.S. is slow. Despite the impact of vehicles on oil use, the environment and the amount of gasoline used, many drivers are not for trade in their current vehicle for a hybrid model. The process has begun, however, and it will not be long before the effects of buying a hybrid to be seen in the American economy.

If the prospect of saving hundreds of dollars a month on gasoline costs, helping the environment and incentives for the buyer is not enough to make your next car a hybrid, think of the level of oil imports from your country and others do something to lower than the addiction.

Roman Robinson is a writer for the purchase tires.com. He shares his passion for hybrid vehicles and the excellent benefits they offer.

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