วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

how many hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21
how many hybrid vehicles
Hybrid vehicles have more and more in the U.S. since the introduction of the Toyota Prius. This fuel efficient vehicle is equipped with a small engine, is generally of gasoline. The fuel is due to the use of an electric motor that delivers the additional power, to the engine.

While a smaller engine may not be suitable for certain driving conditions, the electric motor with a battery on board to the power of the small engine sufficiently. But designers and engineers in the automotive industry are constantly looking for ways to improve the performance of a hybrid vehicle. Turbodyne Technologies Inc. is one of the companies on the lookout for ways to improve the performance of hybrid cars. Recently, the company announced that they developed a new technology, whose aim is to help hybrid vehicles perform better.

Turbodyne has the design of the flow Turbodyne Turbo ™ electronic air injection system. The technology is for the use of hybrid vehicles. "It is clear that hybrid vehicle is experiencing significant growth," said Al Case, the Chief Executive Officer of Turbodyne. "The biggest challenge is to provide a maximum engine performance and fuel economy simultaneously. There lies the opportunity for Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system, "Case added.

The Turbo Flow technology differs from turbo and super chargers by the absence of mechanical connections. This is because the flow Turbodyne turbo air injection system uses an electric motor for operating the air compressor, which in turn supplies air to the engine.

By eliminating the mechanical connection, the air injection is better than turbo or super chargers. Super Chargers have power from the engine to operate the air compressor, and this means that the current through the motor is reduced.

Turbochargers, on the other hand, with gas to exhaust air into the combustion chamber. This means that if there is much less exhaust, such as when starting a car, the turbocharger can not help the engine. Both the reduction of engine power and the lack of start-power problems are solved by the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system.

Since hybrid vehicles are known to a good storage of electrical energy, it makes sense that the new air injection for hybrid vehicles with electricity. Since the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system is not dependent on the motor, it can be used during a cycle. It is specifically designed to air in small engines such as the shift to hybrid engines.

This new technology, the performance of fuel-efficient cars. This could mean that hybrid vehicles will continue their domination of the automobile industry in the future. From the way things look, hybrid vehicles are the bully dog in the yard of the automotive industry.

With more and more developments like these, we can certainly expect more and more hybrid vehicles roaming our streets.

Jenny McLane is a 36-year-old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about them. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading automotive suppliers in the country today. You may Bully Dog for more information.

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