วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

electric and hybrid electric vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:13
electric and hybrid electric vehicles
The international community is currently confronted by a problem, and that is the situation of global warming. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases the surface temperature of the earth. This issue is currently being used by the automotive industry by developing fuel-efficient cars, produces less greenhouse gases than their predecessors. These vehicles but must be used and replace the not so environmentally friendly vehicles on the road today.

Help for the automobile manufacturers to green vehicles on the road are large companies with equally large fleets. It may be recalled that U.S. President George W. Bush praised UPS and FedEx for the use of hybrid vehicles to their fleets. Recently, another company has taken a step in the direction of fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the expansion of its hybrid vehicles.

Roche, the famous Swiss pharmaceutical company, announced that they have increased the total number of hybrid vehicles to its fleet to 242 units. These vehicles are supported by their representatives for different purposes. The company announced that with the increase in the number of hybrid vehicles, they will contribute in the fight against the threat of global warming.

More than a thousand tons of greenhouse gas emissions, with the use of 242 units of hybrid vehicles. Fuel consumption for the company will also be cut after as much as 80,253 gallons of gasoline per year. And all in all, these statistics are too much of a difference especially in the long run.

Yosi F. Terry, President and Chief Executive Officer of the World Environment Center, they have to say Roche extension of the hybrid-car fleet: "Roche-hybrid-car program demonstrates the commitment to corporate social responsibility. Roche is a leading companies in the pharmaceutical companies try to make a difference, and the hybrid-car program is a good example of how all companies can make a contribution. "The World Environment Center is a non-profit and non-organization, the lobbying is headquartered in Washington, DC

In July 2004, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, also known as Roche, its hybrid car planned commissioning of 20 hybrid vehicles from the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape hybrid vehicles. The performance and fuel economy of these hybrid cars, even better than a vehicle equipped with an Acura AEM Intake, companies decide the fleet.

In addition to the best fuel economy, performance of hybrid cars has also been found to be of high standard. These arguments played an important role, which is why the number of hybrid-vehicle fleet in Roche currently numbers 242.

Jack Kače, the Vice President for Corporate Environmental & Safety Affairs of Roche, has this to say: "Roche is responsible for the conservation of natural resources and improvement of human health, and we believe in and practice of environmental sustainability. The expansion of our hybrid vehicle program is a good example of this commitment. We are using less gasoline, reducing emissions and reducing our cost of the fleet. "In fact, the expansion of hybrid car fleet shows its commitment to the welfare of current and future generations.

Mike Bartley, 49, is a professional automotive journalist domiciled in Irvine, CA. He travels from one country to another, for the hottest auto shows, racing and automotive revelations. His compositions spring for press releases, reviews and suggestions. Is the auto action is, that's exactly where you Mike.

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