วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

future of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20
future of hybrid vehicles
no longer the butt of jokes by large SUV owners, hybrid cars are now the choice of mainstream America and are ready for another record sales year.

After gas prices jumped 13% in 2006 compared to 2005, consumers flocked to the hybrids, and have not left, as the gas prices still unstable and spook consumers. Sport-utility vehicles and pickup trucks from General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor continues to nosedive in sales, while the hybrid car sales figures are immune to fluctuations in gas prices and only increase if gas prices rise.

Consulting firm KPMG International recent poll showed 89 percent of the executives surveyed described auto fuel economy as the top factor when consumers are selecting new vehicles. In comparison to 58% in 2002.

Now a new study has even eliminated the one argument against buying a hybrid car, it's free. Los Angeles-based www.Intellichoice.com now, hybrids save money on gas cars. On average, sedans of similar size to the Prius cost motorists an average of $ 33,305 in the first five years of ownership, compared to the hybrid Prius, $ 19,897. This more than justifies the extra $ 1000 - $ 5000 Hybrid cars typically cost. Not to mention the thousands in fuel costs and the many programs in discount!

With the rosy picture for hybrid cars, you would think Ford and GM would have hybrid car production this year. Surprisingly, they have little to offer and now something for the near future. They seem to layoffs and the reduction of production instead. You still can not shake the SUV gas-guzzling ways. Sure that the he 90-years were good for the sale, but the self-destruction for 10 years should be a wake-up call. Who is with Ford and GM, Ripp Van Winkle?

Paul Fezziwig writes and administers the "green cars" http://www.greencarsnow.com, a website devoted to promoting fuel efficient vehicles and driving habits.

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