วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

future hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20
future hybrid vehicles
The other day, I have a fear in me and also a driver when I almost stepped in front of her hybrid car. She was shocked and stunned that an adult would be so reckless. I was just embarrassing.

But as I said, a friend of hers the next day, I found that there are more similarities than I thought. He had the same thing a few weeks earlier. Then, another woman told me that the marketing of food was in the trunk of their cars and do not even realize that a hybrid vehicle nearly backed into her!

Hybrid cars are so popular that auto manufacturers have a tough time to keep pace with demand. Already on the market, Toyota Prius, Toyota Camry, Toyota Highlander, Lexus, Honda Civic, Honda Accord and the Ford Escape.

They use both gas and batteries to operate. At higher speeds, they run on gasoline like any other car. However, at lower speeds (eg less than 20 km / h), hybrids are powered by batteries. At the slower speeds, these battery-powered cars have virtually no noise in comparison to their motorized counterparts, with a running engine.

As big as they for the environment, the problem is, you can not always hear them coming!

Pedestrian groups say the lack of noise is a new threat to humans, especially those who are blind or do not hear very well. While these groups are still in favor of the advantages that hybrid cars offer - a cleaner, greener environment and less noise - they say these new safety concerns into account and work with manufacturers to deal with solutions.

Meanwhile, it is up to us.Both drivers of hybrid cars and pedestrians need to be reminded that things are a little different than it used to be.

* Regardless of whether you drive or walk - Be aware what is happening around you and never be someone else for your security!

* Remember and practice appropriate safety measures when crossing the street. Use cross walks, look in both directions, and not from walking between the cars.

* Be especially alert when you are on your cell phone or with a heated conversation.

* Clearly visible for the driver. Make sure they can see. Crossing the street between two parked vehicles, it is difficult and risky is extra. That applies double if, after dusk.

* Pay attention to signals for cars can tell you that they are in operation. Look for the reverse lights. Look for headlights. Cars produced in recent years with daytime running lights. If the light on, this may be a sign that the driver is ready to draw.

* Always make sure you, the emergency contact with you, whether you drive or walk.

Hybrid cars are here to stay and how many of us that the idea, but everyone has to bear extra precautions to protect themselves as pedestrians. If you drive yourself, just remember, pedestrians can not hear you, so be extra alert when they are available.

Valerie Nay is the founder of the http://www.EmergencyContacts.com and writes a free monthly newsletter with valuable information that you and your family stay healthy.

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