วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

best hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:19
best hybrid vehicles
In recent years, hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have a lot of press, both good and bad. As with any new technology is that any technology newly offered to the public-there are proponents and opponents on the wide use of HEVs. pros and cons are free to hear, and it can be difficult for the average person is not required, all relevant information. Here is a short, simple overview of the advantages and disadvantages of HEVs.

The most obvious benefit of HEVs is lowered impact on the environment. A vehicle that the current electricity produced exclusively by absolutely no emissions. Admittedly, a hybrid vehicle has some emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, but only by the gasoline engine. If your vehicle is from current 50% of the time, it will reduce harmful exhaust emissions by 50%.

Hybrid vehicles are quieter and cause less noise pollution-an important aspect in the urban areas. The engine runs only when the vehicle is being actively pursued. Over time, this feature also cuts to the total consumption of energy.

Another benefit is that HEVs obvious to a fuel source that is already available, and that does not depend on foreign oil. The United States already has numerous electrical installations that are already large amounts of electricity.

In most cases, hybrids are easy to be fuel. The majority of hybrid vehicles on the market can demonstrate that the batteries are plugged in and again, an adapter allows most hybrid owners to "fuel up" their vehicles at home. Some cities make charging stations available as well.

However, there are also disadvantages as well. HEVs a lead-acid battery. This may take a long time to save costs, sometimes as long as 10 hours. This is not so much a problem if you are at home and plan for the car to stay free, but it may be decided uncomfortable when you're on. In the future, as HEVs become stronger, you may assume, charging with the capability of batteries in a fraction of the time is available.

Another disadvantage is that the hybrids vary somewhat in the distance that they are on a fully charged battery, the average is about 60 miles per charge. Again, this is not much of an obstacle for a hybrid vehicle, the switch to gasoline power need, but very awkward for a car with fully electrical propulsion (EV). In addition, the batteries have a limited shelf life-roughly three years and are very expensive to replace.

Researchers are experimenting with other types of batteries such as nickel-metal hydride, nickel-cadmium and lithium-ion batteries. At the moment this could be a better performance, but the costs are prohibitive.

Finally, the costs for the purchase of a hybrid vehicle is a major deterrent for many people, taking into account the "switching". " HEVs are still significantly more expensive that their gasoline-driven counterparts. To a certain degree, reduced consumption, better fuel economy and reduced maintenance costs as a counterweight to the higher costs. There are also state tax credits, based on federal and sometimes even at the level, for people who buy hybrid vehicles.

Is it worth it to replace your current vehicle with an HEV? It depends. Only you could say. If you have your research, and not the mathematics. Look at all the different factors, and an educated decision. Only you can know if an HEV is the best choice, because your life, your preferences and your budget.

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