วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

full hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20
full hybrid vehicles
hybrid vehicles, two important issues in today's world. The first is global warming, and the second is to reduce the cost of fuel. There are too many different hybrid vehicle models that appear on the radar screen and understanding how they work to help consumers in the best value for money spent.

Hybrid models are presented in two categories: electric and petrol. Hybrid vehicles use a combination of both gas and electricity for power. The parallel hybrid and the hybrid-series are the two most popular hybrid vehicles today. The difference between the two lies in the complexity of the technology, and options provided by engineers in employing hybrid systems.

In the series hybrid, an electronic motor assists the gasoline engine, such as during periods of acceleration or heavy load. The electronic motor is not in a position to set the car on his own. The engine can recharge the batteries that power the electric motor.

A parallel hybrid uses a similar recharging scenario. However, this type of vehicle can only be done by the gasoline engine. A major advantage of the hybrid engine is that it is smaller, and therefore can be a much more efficient. Normally, acceleration has required larger engines, but with the help of an electric motor, which in peak load, the acceleration needs of a hybrid vehicle are adequately answered.

Another advantage of the hybrid is that they capture energy from the brakes. Heat is on breaking records, and stored as energy in the battery. Additionally, an automatic shutdown in the hybrid vehicle can be turned off the engine when the car comes to a halt and then automatically restart the vehicle when the accelerator is touched. This saves energy is wasted when the vehicle is coasting.

Hybrid vehicles may tailpipe emissions while improving gas mileage. The good news for the consumer is that hybrid technology in all its forms, remains relatively simple. Consumers can expect the technology to develop and improve over time. Also, costs expected to level out over time as well. The concept of a hybrid vehicle is here to stay, and we can all do our part for us and the environment, by thinking green.

Like any big change in life, accustomed to the hybrid concept will take time for many people. If you are interested in purchasing a hybrid vehicle for the right reasons, the mental attitude should be taken for granted.

Brian Walker is a freelance Internet writer. Here you will find more articles about cars on http://www.1clickautomobile.com.

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