วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

ladies racing bikes

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 22:56
ladies racing bikes
bikes have long been a method of transportation and still popular with the rise in oil and gas prices. Mountain biking on the street, there are many groups within the individual divisions. Racing, Touring, and casual bikes offer the different types of individuals. The prices range from a few hundred to several thousands on the basis of the bikes components. Many people with brands such as adidas, Trek, or more precisely, such as Felt, Giant, or Motobecane. Each brand offers different models a wide range of prices. Where does this leave you, me and all the other consumers?

Lost? It is easy to be lost and confused in the world of bicycles. The focus of this article is to clarify any confusion and hopefully provide a framework for the search for the right bike for your price. There are several variables that need to be considered when purchasing a new or used bike. These include:

1. Price - Category obviously, but there is still much more
2. Sizing - very important for cyclists, recreational riders and all who are to enter the sport
3. Type of bike - comfort, hybrid, road, time trial
4. Specificity of bicycle - components and parts that are on the wheel

I will be in the pricing aspect of the bike in another article, but wanted the last three points first. The sizing is a key element that many people are struggling with. Professional cyclists and triathletes often have problems dialing in the "fit" and pursue expensive Testing Service routes to find the perfect fit. This is an extreme, but many other possibilities exist for the average driver. Your local bike shop is often a free bike fit for you or even your measurements so that you can plug it into specific computer as the machine to fit thumb Slowtwitch.com. Often people are looking for something easy or cheap, to the task. An appropriate size goes a long way for comfort and is, in my opinion, is a critical factor in choosing the right new or used bike. Injuries can result if the frame is wrong if your size. Too small of a frame often leads to knee problems, if more frames than recommended, it can be difficult to reach the shifters or the ground. Most people with the time of the average height have no problems, a perfect fit to find, but outliers: large (like me) or have difficulty quickly find the right bike.

Comfort, road and time trial bikes are the most in the category of racing. Although you can ride any of these, the selection of the best style to your yields the highest level of comfort and satisfaction. The first type, comfort bikes, usually with upright handlebars compared to other bikes. This can be very useful for the average driver looking for some miles, but stay as comfortable as possible during the journey. Some bikes known as cruisers are often thrown into this category and are equipped with less gear and much heavier. Designed for going short distances, like across the street to the grocery store, they would not be the best option for longer distances. Racing bicycles are very common for the average driver, professional cyclist, and those in the sport. If you go to longer maturities (eg, 2,3,4 + hours) road bikes are the best option. They are also fast on thin tires and a lighter weight. This comes in a variety of frame types, sizes and brands, it is easy to find the right racing. Used bikes can often save people 50% or more of the EIA.


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