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hybrid and fuel cell vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:22 0 ความคิดเห็น
hybrid and fuel cell vehicles
The term applies, is that really HEV, which stands for hybrid electric vehicles. These are the most fuel efficient vehicles for most of us.

While the current configuration can be based on the construction of the intent of the manufacturer, they are generally a small (by regular vehicle standards) gasoline engine with an electric motor.

While the gasoline engine has most of the locomotion on the highway speeds, when less fuel is needed, but also available to the additional power that the electric motor can not provide or sustain for long.

The electric battery / motor combination, the car moves in some cases, without the gasoline engine, the idle state at the bus stops, such as light and in the drive-thru, and can assist the gasoline engine, as it pushes the hybrid vehicle on the road. Not only is the saving of fuel while the motor is maintenance of the systems, which usually idling situations, but that means that less pollution is emitted into the air, usually within the limits of our most polluted areas .. . in our cities.

While the vehicles of the vehicle, especially in idling situations, the battery, the electric motor with power is recharged. When braking at slow speed (in the city, stop-and-go), regenerative braking is generally used to the car rather than the brakes themselves. In regenerative braking, the electric motor actually changes is polarity to an electrical generator, which charges the battery. This change of engine-generator creates a reverse torque to slow and stop the vehicle. On the highway speeds, normal braking operation.

At times, the inside of the battery under the DIP level, and during that time, the small gasoline engine automatically to the battery.

Even with hybrids, but there are different types of vehicles to meet the needs of consumers. There are hybrid SUV's, trucks, and small and mid-size sedans like the Toyota Prius, one of the most fuel efficient hybrid vehicles available, on average about 50 MPG. Larger hybrid vehicles, like SUV's and trucks, more to the fuel in a relative sense. The fuel economy of these larger hybrid vehicles tend to roughly equal a gasoline powered sedan.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has worked in several senior positions. After leaving the U.S. Army in 1995, he was arrested in Internet marketing, and various online companies. He has been writing poetry, articles and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. He blogs about weight loss and health, hybrid cars and alternative fuels, and internet marketing and related business topics.
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gm hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
gm hybrid vehicles
The first thing you notice is when you look at the key is that the car does not start at once. There is a delay while the computer starts the car. Another feature or characteristic is that when you keylock door, there are strange sounds as regenerative braking fees. Idle for a few minutes and the engine dies. This is the strangest part of all about driving a hybrid. The feeling that something is wrong, because the engine died .

As you step on the gas, there is virtually no delay. Of course you are not really stepping on the gas, you have only to tell the computer that you want to move. The electric motor starts the car in motion.

The hybrid car is a fun to drive, you just need to first use to the computer driving the car for you. If you are under 40, and the brakes of the engine will die, more than 40 of the motor is running all the time. When you accelerate, the electric motor, together with gas engine for extra power supply.

I drive a Ford Escape hybrid with 4-wheel drive and the MPG is a little lower than the 2-wheel drive, I can not reach the 33 MPG that it is in the city. It is rated 29 MPG on the highway, and I do about 31 MPG by 65 to 70 and not using the cruse control. The Cruse control accelerates to fast on hills. When I first escape I tried very hard not to speed quickly in order to conserve fuel, but when I returned to normal driving in city traffic, I have the MPS-26-28

Sometimes, for no apparent reason at all races in the engine up to around 4 thousand rpm for a short period. The speed remains the same, it can be used to recharge the battery or any other reason not known. This is usually done at low speed. I did notice in the manual, so that there is not too worried when the engine running after the ignition off, this could happen if the battery was disconnected.

Some of the things that I'm not at my escape is the space inside. There is no space between the front seats and the console. I have my credit card declined between the driver's seat and the console on several occasions and had to fish with a coat hanger. The cover pulls that on the cargo section at the back is only in the manner. I have all but throw it away.

I do not think that I always have the best of the high voltage battery. At the traffic lights, the car starts with the electric motor, but very slowly and if you're looking for more speed from the gas engine starts at once. It would be nice if the car would stay on the electric motor, at least until you get up to 40 km / h on a normal start. The battery barely runs, unless you are creeping in stop-and-go traffic.

More of my interests, please visit my web site at:
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hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles
Nobody likes to pay for fuel, month after month, year after year. Pumping your precious hard-earned wages into the pockets of the world's most powerful multinational corporations. The oil companies!

Unfortunately, we do not have a lot of alternatives, except perhaps to sell the family a car and bicycle.

Fortunately, there is something the man on the street actually do, and with a minimal noise as well. Hybrid vehicle technology is not new, it has indeed been some time, but it is not that widely known. The hushed rumors about water, gas conversion are often limited to a certain amusement. If you doubt this, go into the workforce of tomorrow and the people say that you are on the Internet, you can leave your car on water. Just watch your colleagues' Run 'you out the door!

The truth is that your car on water is not a joke, myth and fantasy. It was not back from the big names yet (trust me they will) and as a result. Most people tend not to believe what until the official launch brand names he screamed it to all their favorite media platforms.

The reality of water-gas conversions at home is fairly straightforward and easily obtainable. Most, if not all the necessary elements that can be purchased on the spot by the hardware and general stores. Nothing of what is necessary, your vehicle is running on the water must be ordered a few unofficial shady location midway into the other side of the world

Hybrid vehicles are everywhere, unfortunately, that the media should not be around them. Running your car on water is a matter of a few simple steps. Enable to save money, the environment and prolong your cars life in the process. Visit http://www.watertogascars.com to see how.
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hybrid air vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
hybrid air vehicles
Many people around the world are facing financial difficulties due to the recent petrol hike. This is the limited effect of the global crude oil and rising demand. Oil prices on the local station is expected to go even higher. Many vehicle owners have to trade in their muscle cars for a fuel efficient sedan. Some people do not have that option. The solution for them is to find a way to ensure their Mileage car. In this article a few fuel saving tips that proved to reduce gasoline consumption .

The latest idea to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, the vehicle is to make our cars into hydrogen hybrids. A hydrogen-hybrid vehicles, both petrol and hydrogen (H2) as energy source. H2 is flammable, clean and efficient and is ideal as a supplement to ordinary gasoline. Hydrogen can be produced from water with an electrolysis device. The idea is to collect the H2 into the engine air intake system.

When an engine burns gasoline and hydrogen gas mixture, there is a potential for a strong performance. This is because H2 is three times higher than fossil fuels. In theory, if you fill the same amount as a fuel in your car gas tank, drive your vehicle if more electricity is produced from the engine. This means that your car miles per gallon to save money for you.

To convert an internal combustion engine into a hydrogen hybrid is an easy process. Anyone who has car-service capabilities can be used for conversion. It is a good idea to change blueprint to help you. Most of the guides are available on the Internet. If you are looking for car fuel saving tips, start by using hydrogen as an alternative fuel for your vehicle.

Are more and more money for fuel for your car? Improve your vehicle driven by our car fuel saving tips. Read the reviews of online resources, your car on water at http://www.water-car-review.info
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how many hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
how many hybrid vehicles
Hybrid vehicles have more and more in the U.S. since the introduction of the Toyota Prius. This fuel efficient vehicle is equipped with a small engine, is generally of gasoline. The fuel is due to the use of an electric motor that delivers the additional power, to the engine.

While a smaller engine may not be suitable for certain driving conditions, the electric motor with a battery on board to the power of the small engine sufficiently. But designers and engineers in the automotive industry are constantly looking for ways to improve the performance of a hybrid vehicle. Turbodyne Technologies Inc. is one of the companies on the lookout for ways to improve the performance of hybrid cars. Recently, the company announced that they developed a new technology, whose aim is to help hybrid vehicles perform better.

Turbodyne has the design of the flow Turbodyne Turbo ™ electronic air injection system. The technology is for the use of hybrid vehicles. "It is clear that hybrid vehicle is experiencing significant growth," said Al Case, the Chief Executive Officer of Turbodyne. "The biggest challenge is to provide a maximum engine performance and fuel economy simultaneously. There lies the opportunity for Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system, "Case added.

The Turbo Flow technology differs from turbo and super chargers by the absence of mechanical connections. This is because the flow Turbodyne turbo air injection system uses an electric motor for operating the air compressor, which in turn supplies air to the engine.

By eliminating the mechanical connection, the air injection is better than turbo or super chargers. Super Chargers have power from the engine to operate the air compressor, and this means that the current through the motor is reduced.

Turbochargers, on the other hand, with gas to exhaust air into the combustion chamber. This means that if there is much less exhaust, such as when starting a car, the turbocharger can not help the engine. Both the reduction of engine power and the lack of start-power problems are solved by the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system.

Since hybrid vehicles are known to a good storage of electrical energy, it makes sense that the new air injection for hybrid vehicles with electricity. Since the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system is not dependent on the motor, it can be used during a cycle. It is specifically designed to air in small engines such as the shift to hybrid engines.

This new technology, the performance of fuel-efficient cars. This could mean that hybrid vehicles will continue their domination of the automobile industry in the future. From the way things look, hybrid vehicles are the bully dog in the yard of the automotive industry.

With more and more developments like these, we can certainly expect more and more hybrid vehicles roaming our streets.

Jenny McLane is a 36-year-old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about them. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading automotive suppliers in the country today. You may Bully Dog for more information.
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history of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
history of hybrid vehicles
Hybrid vehicles have more and more in the U.S. since the introduction of the Toyota Prius. This fuel efficient vehicle is equipped with a small engine, is generally of gasoline. The fuel is due to the use of an electric motor that delivers the additional power, to the engine.

While a smaller engine may not be suitable for certain driving conditions, the electric motor with a battery on board to the power of the small engine sufficiently. But designers and engineers in the automotive industry are constantly looking for ways to improve the performance of a hybrid vehicle. Turbodyne Technologies Inc. is one of the companies on the lookout for ways to improve the performance of hybrid cars. Recently, the company announced that they developed a new technology, whose aim is to help hybrid vehicles perform better.

Turbodyne has the design of the flow Turbodyne Turbo ™ electronic air injection system. The technology is for the use of hybrid vehicles. "It is clear that hybrid vehicle is experiencing significant growth," said Al Case, the Chief Executive Officer of Turbodyne. "The biggest challenge is to provide a maximum engine performance and fuel economy simultaneously. There lies the opportunity for Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system, "Case added.

The Turbo Flow technology differs from turbo and super chargers by the absence of mechanical connections. This is because the flow Turbodyne turbo air injection system uses an electric motor for operating the air compressor, which in turn supplies air to the engine.

By eliminating the mechanical connection, the air injection is better than turbo or super chargers. Super Chargers have power from the engine to operate the air compressor, and this means that the current through the motor is reduced.

Turbochargers, on the other hand, with gas to exhaust air into the combustion chamber. This means that if there is much less exhaust, such as when starting a car, the turbocharger can not help the engine. Both the reduction of engine power and the lack of start-power problems are solved by the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system.

Since hybrid vehicles are known to a good storage of electrical energy, it makes sense that the new air injection for hybrid vehicles with electricity. Since the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system is not dependent on the motor, it can be used during a cycle. It is specifically designed to air in small engines such as the shift to hybrid engines.

This new technology, the performance of fuel-efficient cars. This could mean that hybrid vehicles will continue their domination of the automobile industry in the future. From the way things look, hybrid vehicles are the bully dog in the yard of the automotive industry.

With more and more developments like these, we can certainly expect more and more hybrid vehicles roaming our streets.

Jenny McLane is a 36-year-old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about them. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading automotive suppliers in the country today. You may Bully Dog for more information.
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general motors hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
general motors hybrid vehicles
exemption is granted by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for the purchase of hybrid vehicles. Therefore, if you have a hybrid vehicle during the tax year 2007, could you stand in line to receive a tax credit worth as much as $ 3 000. This is the standard tax relief for the most fuel efficient models of the hybrid vehicle. generally, but it also depends on the brand and model, and if the vehicle is purchased.

This special tax credit is known as the "Alternative Motor Credit." It applies to vehicles in operation on or after January 2006. There are many hybrid vehicles currently available, the conditions for such tax relief. Vehicle can the credit on their tax return, 2007, when they are in such a vehicle into service in 2007. Since March 2007, forty different hybrid models are for the "Alternative Motor Credit."

This form of tax relief is only to the original purchaser of the hybrid operation skimmed or Advanced Technology Vehicle. However, if the vehicle is leased the credit will be sent to the leasing company.

After 60,000 vehicles of a particular manufacturer have been sold, this tax relief will benefit and ultimately eliminated. Your full tax credit may be claimed until the end of the 3rd Month following the quarter in which the manufacturer sells its 60,000 th vehicle.

Tax relief in the form of credit is no longer qualified for Toyota and Lexus vehicles. It was removed from the shopping after 1 October 2007.

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gasoline electric hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
gasoline electric hybrid vehicles
For many years people have often owned or driven cars that are not only to provide transportation, but also for the improvement of the overall mobility.

In recent past times, people also drove cars to show or Flaunt their status symbol or just for reasons of casual and fun joy rides.

But these good times, they are rare dreams now. For all drivers, it really is becoming more difficult and harder every day. Almost everyone can be a student or a retired senior person who is worried and concerned about the zooming up gasoline or oil prices.

Given the ever increasing rise in gasoline prices, which are almost on a weekly basis, it is no wonder why people are forced to use the car to a basic necessity.

Hybrid Vehicles

During the beginning of the new millennium, giant car manufacturers had heralded great news about the development of modern cars, which significantly reduced oil consumption.

Japanese carmakers Toyota and Honda with their research on alternative fuel efficient transmission and soon became one of the pioneers in this endeavor. United States and their German colleagues, the trend soon.

That was the emergence of hybrid vehicles in the now slow global automotive industry.

But what exactly are hybrid vehicles? Literally, the word "hybrid" is a crossover or integration of two systems or components. The application of this term for vehicles, this means that a combination of two types of cars, the gasoline-powered cars and electric powered vehicles.

Before the understanding of the hybrids further, let us familiar with these two types of vehicles.

Gas and electric vehicles

The gas-powered cars are the predecessor of all other types of vehicles, which, after it. The first car invented, and all the other cars and modifications, follow them until the end of the 20th Century are all gas-powered cars.

Gas-powered cars are, you guessed it right, from gasoline or oil. These cars have oil exports FRO in the Middle East and other countries assessed, such as gold, because of its volatile pricing.

Many years of research and development, manufacturers were able to significant improvements in the newer models of gas-powered cars. Some of them are truly superior over the others. However, their owners and users have always complained about their bills for the increase in oil consumption.

At the same time, environmentalists are on these vehicles' air pollution. They raise deep concern about the BI-generated combustion products which is harmful for nature.

The first attempt by the auto manufacturers are increasingly on the growing excitement and worries about higher oil prices and destroying ozone in the atmosphere was that of electric cars.

But unfortunately, for practical reasons, the efforts were in vain and not proved feasible. Electric cars were considered impractical, because the speed and not with the capacity of natural gas vehicles by a large margin.

A powerful combination

So, if the gas vehicles were too expensive and cause pollution to obtain, but really fast and reliable, and if the electric cars are not fast and reliable, but clearly the cost of oil and reduce pollution, why not combine the two ?

Smart integration and meeting half way "option for the electric and gas-powered cars the way for the emergence of hybrid vehicles.

Hybrid vehicle system consists of two gas-powered engine and battery set powered motor, and a balance of both power sources to manage the transfer. It truly combines the strength of the two vehicle types and addresses the concerns of individual vehicle types.

But many experts and car fanatics are still disappointed about the hybrid car is not in a position to reduce oil bills as massively and powerful as expected by the public before the introduction on the market.

A big concern is about the purchase price for hybrid vehicles. It is still far, far higher. Also due to their complex designs, many people fear that their maintenance costs will be significantly more than gas cars.

It was only a few years since the emergence of hybrid vehicles. In the future, very soon, because the production costs would fall, the prices of hybrid cars would certainly be pulled up to an affordable level.

To book your free, providing you with all the information you need to know about hybrid vehicles and electric cars visit: What are hybrid cars. If you have more articles about hybrids, then go now to: Facts about electric and hybrid cars.
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future of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
future of hybrid vehicles
no longer the butt of jokes by large SUV owners, hybrid cars are now the choice of mainstream America and are ready for another record sales year.

After gas prices jumped 13% in 2006 compared to 2005, consumers flocked to the hybrids, and have not left, as the gas prices still unstable and spook consumers. Sport-utility vehicles and pickup trucks from General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor continues to nosedive in sales, while the hybrid car sales figures are immune to fluctuations in gas prices and only increase if gas prices rise.

Consulting firm KPMG International recent poll showed 89 percent of the executives surveyed described auto fuel economy as the top factor when consumers are selecting new vehicles. In comparison to 58% in 2002.

Now a new study has even eliminated the one argument against buying a hybrid car, it's free. Los Angeles-based www.Intellichoice.com now, hybrids save money on gas cars. On average, sedans of similar size to the Prius cost motorists an average of $ 33,305 in the first five years of ownership, compared to the hybrid Prius, $ 19,897. This more than justifies the extra $ 1000 - $ 5000 Hybrid cars typically cost. Not to mention the thousands in fuel costs and the many programs in discount!

With the rosy picture for hybrid cars, you would think Ford and GM would have hybrid car production this year. Surprisingly, they have little to offer and now something for the near future. They seem to layoffs and the reduction of production instead. You still can not shake the SUV gas-guzzling ways. Sure that the he 90-years were good for the sale, but the self-destruction for 10 years should be a wake-up call. Who is with Ford and GM, Ripp Van Winkle?

Paul Fezziwig writes and administers the "green cars" http://www.greencarsnow.com, a website devoted to promoting fuel efficient vehicles and driving habits.
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future hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
future hybrid vehicles
The other day, I have a fear in me and also a driver when I almost stepped in front of her hybrid car. She was shocked and stunned that an adult would be so reckless. I was just embarrassing.

But as I said, a friend of hers the next day, I found that there are more similarities than I thought. He had the same thing a few weeks earlier. Then, another woman told me that the marketing of food was in the trunk of their cars and do not even realize that a hybrid vehicle nearly backed into her!

Hybrid cars are so popular that auto manufacturers have a tough time to keep pace with demand. Already on the market, Toyota Prius, Toyota Camry, Toyota Highlander, Lexus, Honda Civic, Honda Accord and the Ford Escape.

They use both gas and batteries to operate. At higher speeds, they run on gasoline like any other car. However, at lower speeds (eg less than 20 km / h), hybrids are powered by batteries. At the slower speeds, these battery-powered cars have virtually no noise in comparison to their motorized counterparts, with a running engine.

As big as they for the environment, the problem is, you can not always hear them coming!

Pedestrian groups say the lack of noise is a new threat to humans, especially those who are blind or do not hear very well. While these groups are still in favor of the advantages that hybrid cars offer - a cleaner, greener environment and less noise - they say these new safety concerns into account and work with manufacturers to deal with solutions.

Meanwhile, it is up to us.Both drivers of hybrid cars and pedestrians need to be reminded that things are a little different than it used to be.

* Regardless of whether you drive or walk - Be aware what is happening around you and never be someone else for your security!

* Remember and practice appropriate safety measures when crossing the street. Use cross walks, look in both directions, and not from walking between the cars.

* Be especially alert when you are on your cell phone or with a heated conversation.

* Clearly visible for the driver. Make sure they can see. Crossing the street between two parked vehicles, it is difficult and risky is extra. That applies double if, after dusk.

* Pay attention to signals for cars can tell you that they are in operation. Look for the reverse lights. Look for headlights. Cars produced in recent years with daytime running lights. If the light on, this may be a sign that the driver is ready to draw.

* Always make sure you, the emergency contact with you, whether you drive or walk.

Hybrid cars are here to stay and how many of us that the idea, but everyone has to bear extra precautions to protect themselves as pedestrians. If you drive yourself, just remember, pedestrians can not hear you, so be extra alert when they are available.

Valerie Nay is the founder of the http://www.EmergencyContacts.com and writes a free monthly newsletter with valuable information that you and your family stay healthy.
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full hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
full hybrid vehicles
hybrid vehicles, two important issues in today's world. The first is global warming, and the second is to reduce the cost of fuel. There are too many different hybrid vehicle models that appear on the radar screen and understanding how they work to help consumers in the best value for money spent.

Hybrid models are presented in two categories: electric and petrol. Hybrid vehicles use a combination of both gas and electricity for power. The parallel hybrid and the hybrid-series are the two most popular hybrid vehicles today. The difference between the two lies in the complexity of the technology, and options provided by engineers in employing hybrid systems.

In the series hybrid, an electronic motor assists the gasoline engine, such as during periods of acceleration or heavy load. The electronic motor is not in a position to set the car on his own. The engine can recharge the batteries that power the electric motor.

A parallel hybrid uses a similar recharging scenario. However, this type of vehicle can only be done by the gasoline engine. A major advantage of the hybrid engine is that it is smaller, and therefore can be a much more efficient. Normally, acceleration has required larger engines, but with the help of an electric motor, which in peak load, the acceleration needs of a hybrid vehicle are adequately answered.

Another advantage of the hybrid is that they capture energy from the brakes. Heat is on breaking records, and stored as energy in the battery. Additionally, an automatic shutdown in the hybrid vehicle can be turned off the engine when the car comes to a halt and then automatically restart the vehicle when the accelerator is touched. This saves energy is wasted when the vehicle is coasting.

Hybrid vehicles may tailpipe emissions while improving gas mileage. The good news for the consumer is that hybrid technology in all its forms, remains relatively simple. Consumers can expect the technology to develop and improve over time. Also, costs expected to level out over time as well. The concept of a hybrid vehicle is here to stay, and we can all do our part for us and the environment, by thinking green.

Like any big change in life, accustomed to the hybrid concept will take time for many people. If you are interested in purchasing a hybrid vehicle for the right reasons, the mental attitude should be taken for granted.

Brian Walker is a freelance Internet writer. Here you will find more articles about cars on http://www.1clickautomobile.com.
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fuel efficient hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
fuel efficient hybrid vehicles
Peugeot the first manufacturer to a small family car with a diesel-electric hybrid power. It is a version of the new model 308 and will be on sale until the end of the decade. Peugeot does not sell in the U.S., but saw the sales of hybrids like the Prius in Europe and elsewhere. Toyota Prius sold around 5,000 cars in the United Kingdom and more than 22,000 Prius cars in Europe. The Peugeot diesel hybrid is equipped with an average of more than 70 mpg. They have the lowest carbon dioxide emissions of a car other than a pure electric cars. Peugeot has chosen to present an offer that they are working to reduce costs.

Meanwhile over in Japan, Toyota bought 5 / 9 share in Isuzu. Isuzu to use the know-how in diesel, Toyota plans to its Synergy hybrid system with a diesel engine. A Toyota Subcompact with this system is reported that up to 2010 are available. In the U.S., you can have a diesel-electric hybrid vehicle and not be realized. City Transit buses, military vehicles, soil, garbage trucks, vans, etc. and have been associated with diesel hybrids for years.

Since diesel engines run optimally at a constant speed highway driving, trucks are a natural for diesel engines. The combination of the diesel engine with an electric propulsion system is a great advantage for heavy trucks, which also navigate streets with their stop-and-go traffic. Other manufacturers, Toyota and Peugeot in addition, are also working on developing their own power diesel hybrid vehicles. These include Citroen, Ford, Opel and Volkswagen. Until 2007, most diesel fuel in the U.S. is the high sulfur variety that is starting to become law in 2010. Now clean diesel starts nationwide are available. This in turn motivates the above manufacturers to develop diesel hybrid electric vehicles.

This new diesel fuel is an ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel with a sulfur content of less than 15 ppm. By 2010, there will be more than 53 new vehicles to the emissions of one truck-1988. With the increase in the production of cleaner diesel fuel, which most analysts believe that the sale of diesel fuel is used for more than 10 percent of U.S. vehicle sales in 2015. Also, since diesel fuel is flammable and explosive than gasoline, about 60 percent of U.S. school buses are powered by diesel.

In addition, diesel vehicles are usually 20 to 40 percent more miles per gallon than gasoline vehicles. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, America could be up to 1.4 million barrels of oil per day, if one third of the U.S. diesel vehicles. This is the amount of time for oil from Saudi Arabia. These figures are for the pure diesel vehicles. A diesel-hybrid electric vehicles would be even more on oil.

Finally, diesel drivers have the possibility of fueling vehicles with biodiesel blends. This is a fuel produced domestically in the U.S. further reduces the dependency on oil. By turning on a diesel-hybrid electric vehicles, American can save money at the pump, without power and performance that drivers expect from us and focus on.

Nancy writes about Val Verde on hybrids with other topics. You can read more about hybrids when you visit my blog, hybrid technology reviewed http://hybrid-technology-reviewed.blogspot.com
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fuel cell hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:18 0 ความคิดเห็น
fuel cell hybrid vehicles
A smart investment is a much better deal in the long term. Consumers are now using alternative fuels and hybrid vehicles to save money, while saving the environment.

Let's take a look at the different types of hybrid electric vehicles or HEVs, and their advantages.

HEVs, apart from the positive impact on the environment, can also reduce gas costs. A regular car uses mainly gas, in comparison to a regular HEV, especially natural gas, but also with power.

There is also another type of hybrid, plug-in, the rest use of gas and electricity, but mainly used.

And finally there is the all-electric vehicles, the only electricity as an energy source.

Another hybrid innovation that we want to consider buying or leasing is the flexible-fuel vehicle (FFV) or Flex-Fuel. Several models of different manufacturers in the U.S. have already been developed and this type of engine, where the different sources of fuel can be used.

Biodiesel, an alternative fuel, can also be used in diesel engines. It is a renewable fuel that can be at home, and produced domestically, virtually eliminating the factor of the importation of natural gas, whose price will be steeper and steeper today.

Ethanol is an alternative fuel, the environmentally friendly benefits. It comes from various agricultural commodities such as corn and switch grass. However, since it is essentially more expensive than gasoline depending on the location, and is only now in the Midwest, it is still not highly recommended.

Other examples of alternative fuels are Gasohol (gasoline with bio-ethanol), hydrogen (although these are still being discussed), and the fuel gas (mostly methane mixed with other natural gases).

For more information, visit http://instantloansearch.com/buy-a-car/
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electric and hybrid vehicles today

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:15 0 ความคิดเห็น
electric and hybrid vehicles today
What are the new hybrid cars, which are available on the market?

Any car or vehicle that is more than one source of power is a hybrid vehicle.

Today the majority of hybrid vehicles on the road connecting gas and electricity to the power for the propulsion of the vehicle. Diesel-electric hybrids are the new upcoming hybrid offers more fuel efficiency with the new VW car to bring to the American market. How does the most popular hybrid vehicle-(gas-electricity-) work?

The basic principle behind the work of these hybrid-vehicle system is the combination of the two sources of power a gas engine and a high powered and battery powered for the operation of the electric motor of the car. In hybrid cars, the batteries do not have to pay because they are outside the charge itself again the energy that is normally lost when a vehicle slows down or slowed down.

Another seemingly obvious advantage is that they save on the amount of fuel, the more miles per gallon of fuel as opposed to cars that are only on fuel. Although in principle the operation of hybrid cars are the same (a combination of gas engine with an electric motor, which in harmony) the connection between different types of hybrids.

In some hybrid cars, if additional power is required, the electric motor only to support the drive, the fuel through the engine. The two functions (the electric motor and gas engine) must be held separately as an electric motor can not work independently and also the battery is not loaded with power and the electric motor at the same time. The notion that this type of hybrid cars / vehicles is generally considered mild hybrids. Examples of vehicles which fall into this category are Honda Civic (2004 and 2005) hybrids and the Honda Insight.

On the other hand, when certain conditions are achieved, there are other types of hybrid cars, when the electric motor, the battery can work independently of the gas engine. This usually happens if the car is cruising speed at low speeds when the car more power to at higher speeds the gas engine takes over. The third phase in which both systems will co-operate if the vehicle is traveling at very high speeds. Another advantage to this type of hybrid vehicles are known as the "full hybrids" is that the battery can also be charged with power and the engine in the same time. Examples of vehicles which fall into this category are Ford Escape, Toyota Highlander and Honda Civic (2006 and higher).

Currently support the majority of hybrid vehicles that are available, because this is still in the developing technology, which costs as much as some of the most expensive cars on the market, it remains out of reach for most people. Until it commercially in large quantities in order to reduce prices they will be some benefit to the community. Another problem is that with this type of hybrid vehicles is the design of the batteries, which were built to less than 10 years. Not very eco-design!

A big plus for the American owners of hybrid cars is that they currently enjoy a tax credit of $ 2,000 to $ 50,000 from the IRS --

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first hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:15 0 ความคิดเห็น
first hybrid vehicles
oil prices continue to rise amid degrading supplies and rapid growth of demand, all economies around the world feeling the setbacks of the need to curb excessive consumption of fuel.

For some time, research and development has been actively searching for ways to problems related to the very high demand could finally be eliminated. With the introduction of hybrid car, car owners and users around the world are now relief that indeed there is hope.

A hybrid car is a specially designed and manufactured vehicle that is the power of the traditional gasoline engine and electricity. In the past, many have referred to hybrid vehicles such as electric vehicles.

Technically, a hybrid car can not be regarded as purely electric because only about 40% of the energy of the vehicle is from electric sources, in the form of electricity stored in batteries.

Although the use of hybrid cars is hoped that in the future, when oil supplies finally and completely runs, the transport would not feel the drawback. Yes, now that driving a hybrid car could lead to a variety of savings on the vehicle owner.

At least, the consumption of oil could be significantly reduced. The research is not yet complete, so in the near future, better versions of the modern hybrid auto could be developed and launched into the market.

However, like many other predecessor technologies, there are setbacks, and to have a hybrid car. Many people hope that in the coming months or years, the people finally realize a better and more efficient hybrid car. Here are the most practical and the obvious disadvantages.

1. Because the hybrid car is still a relatively new car technology, it is only logical that the vehicle is expensive. On the average, a hybrid car these days costs more than the usual and cars from around 2,000 U.S. dollars to $ 5,000. That is exactly right and is expected with the high demand for the car, consumers are more than thrilled and manufacturers continue to view the vehicle models on a limited capacity.

2. Any hybrid car needs a considerable space for the battery. Because the hybrid car needs batteries, and it is for the use of some if its functions, the total weight of the car is more and more.

3. There are several states in the United States and some other global governments globally, charging more additional fees and other costs for the purchase and registration.

4. If the hybrid car is about possible collisions and crashes into the future, there is a danger that the incident would be tragic. A hybrid car typically and normally a high-voltage wires.

5. A regular and even simple hybrid car is out of the car is a very complicated system. Thus, ordinary mechanics would not have the required and the necessary skills and knowledge to any technical need for the maintenance of a hybrid car.

6. Because hybrid cars are still not on the agenda and ordinary, buying spare parts may be very difficult if not impossible. Further costs of spare parts can be very expensive.

7. It is generally known that hybrid cars slower than conventional models.

Alex Baumm. Visit the CarClubTalk car forum and learn more about hybrid cars or car-Charity
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fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:15 0 ความคิดเห็น
fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles
In the past, when people were not able to get a new car, they are often on the used car market to meet their needs. With hybrids have been on the market for a number of years, we are now on the point where you have the rare a a used car lot, or in the classifieds.

If you have decided on buying a hybrid is used, what you are looking for? How does buying a used hybrid is different from buying a regular car? In many respects do not differ at all. As with any purchase of used cars, you must first exploration of your choice. Firstly, you need to search the web. Where the special manufacture or model year, many problems?

Secondly, you have to be on the car itself? What is the mileage? If you have a story from him (via CarFax or other system), she was in an accident? Often you can probably think about a car by purchasing a certified used car from a dealer.

One of the biggest concerns in relation to hybrids is the batteries. When it comes to batteries, this is when you definitely do your research. The warranty on batteries (in fact, for each component in a car) will often differ between manufacturers. This is often a good guideline for how long the manufacturer expects the parts to last. How Batteries can be expensive to replace, you should use this information to be considered strong if you consider your purchase. If you are not careful, may end up spending more than you need to save the batteries soon after you buy the car. But before you worry about the warranty for the specific model you buy.

Finally, you should know that in most (if not all) countries, the tax credits for the purchase of environmentally friendly cars, such as a hybrid is only available for new car purchases.

If you have more tips for buying a used hybrid vehicle, and more

Information on electric vehicles, please visit electricvehiclesite.com for more information.
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electric and hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:13 0 ความคิดเห็น
electric and hybrid vehicles
the cost of living are on the rise, and oil prices are hitting record levels. The people are more cautious than in recent days, as their vehicles because of gas prices. These challenges have led to many people to look at the growing trend of hybrid drive vehicles. However, hybrid vehicles safe?

Hybrid vehicles have proven to be as safe as gasoline vehicles. The crash specifications are the same as those of normal cars. Hybrids also have the same restraint and airbag systems installed. The only area that might be of concern is the high power circuits in connection with the motor assembly.

However, these components are necessary for the security, and the cables are wrapped in bright colors that indicate caution. In addition, the cables are not in areas where inmates normally would discover.

Many of the current hybrids on the road are fast, small and nimble. Also ranking high ratings for safety in its class. While SUV's rather the people feel safe, they have an atrocious record in relation to the extension in a quick turnaround. They are also quite difficult to maneuver, and this can often be a challenge to security in itself.

Also SUV's do not have the same safety standards as passenger cars, the federal rules that classify SUVs in the same category as light trucks. The hybrid has the same safety standards as in a conventional vehicle. For consumers, the safety should not be a reason to buy a hybrid when compared to its conventional counterpart.

Many manufacturers of hybrids also security by online manuals that deal with emergency procedures in case of an accident. Security, including hands-on training, are also used for emergency workers. The quintessence is that hybrids do not represent a greater threat than conventional vehicles in the event of a collision or rescue.

However, the hybrid vehicles have similar loads of gasoline, antifreeze, and other potentially dangerous fluids, the risk is not lower than a conventional vehicle. Some hybrids as much as 650-volt power supply, and by all standards, this amount is sufficient to cause severe damage under the right conditions.

This makes it imperative that the owner or the savior of a hybrid vehicle is designed for all standard safety measures. There are also built electronic fail-safe measures for many models, the question of safety. As a whole, the industry very much about educating consumers of the safety and rescue forces on security protocols. The last thing we want is for emergency responders to hesitate in an emergency call.

According to the experts, the growing segment of the vehicles hybrid vehicles should not be a threat that is greater than the traditional combustion engine cars.

Brian Walker is a freelance Internet writer. You can find more car and car-related articles on http://www.1clickautomobile.com.
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electric and hybrid electric vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:13 0 ความคิดเห็น
electric and hybrid electric vehicles
The international community is currently confronted by a problem, and that is the situation of global warming. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases the surface temperature of the earth. This issue is currently being used by the automotive industry by developing fuel-efficient cars, produces less greenhouse gases than their predecessors. These vehicles but must be used and replace the not so environmentally friendly vehicles on the road today.

Help for the automobile manufacturers to green vehicles on the road are large companies with equally large fleets. It may be recalled that U.S. President George W. Bush praised UPS and FedEx for the use of hybrid vehicles to their fleets. Recently, another company has taken a step in the direction of fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the expansion of its hybrid vehicles.

Roche, the famous Swiss pharmaceutical company, announced that they have increased the total number of hybrid vehicles to its fleet to 242 units. These vehicles are supported by their representatives for different purposes. The company announced that with the increase in the number of hybrid vehicles, they will contribute in the fight against the threat of global warming.

More than a thousand tons of greenhouse gas emissions, with the use of 242 units of hybrid vehicles. Fuel consumption for the company will also be cut after as much as 80,253 gallons of gasoline per year. And all in all, these statistics are too much of a difference especially in the long run.

Yosi F. Terry, President and Chief Executive Officer of the World Environment Center, they have to say Roche extension of the hybrid-car fleet: "Roche-hybrid-car program demonstrates the commitment to corporate social responsibility. Roche is a leading companies in the pharmaceutical companies try to make a difference, and the hybrid-car program is a good example of how all companies can make a contribution. "The World Environment Center is a non-profit and non-organization, the lobbying is headquartered in Washington, DC

In July 2004, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, also known as Roche, its hybrid car planned commissioning of 20 hybrid vehicles from the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape hybrid vehicles. The performance and fuel economy of these hybrid cars, even better than a vehicle equipped with an Acura AEM Intake, companies decide the fleet.

In addition to the best fuel economy, performance of hybrid cars has also been found to be of high standard. These arguments played an important role, which is why the number of hybrid-vehicle fleet in Roche currently numbers 242.

Jack Kače, the Vice President for Corporate Environmental & Safety Affairs of Roche, has this to say: "Roche is responsible for the conservation of natural resources and improvement of human health, and we believe in and practice of environmental sustainability. The expansion of our hybrid vehicle program is a good example of this commitment. We are using less gasoline, reducing emissions and reducing our cost of the fleet. "In fact, the expansion of hybrid car fleet shows its commitment to the welfare of current and future generations.

Mike Bartley, 49, is a professional automotive journalist domiciled in Irvine, CA. He travels from one country to another, for the hottest auto shows, racing and automotive revelations. His compositions spring for press releases, reviews and suggestions. Is the auto action is, that's exactly where you Mike.
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electric & hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:13 0 ความคิดเห็น
electric & hybrid vehicles
Henry David Thoreau once said:" Thank God men can not fly and lay waste the sky as the Earth. " "Today, every single person on this earth to think about how environmentally friendly, and with the rising petrol prices to reflect on one of the new hybrid vehicles is an excellent, environmentally friendly choice.

Environmentalists believe in these new hybrid vehicles. Even the manufacturers realize that consumers want more of these vehicles, and future projections show that there are many alternative fuel cars on the market worldwide. This is the big surprise to see how a few years ago there were only one or two models of this type of vehicle on the market.

A hybrid vehicle is a car that is a combination of an electric vehicle and a gas powered car. They have both an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. This type of vehicle stock both gas and electric energy, if it is in use. Today there are two types of hybrid vehicles on the roads, the mild hybrid and full hybrid.

The mild hybrid will be more gas than electricity and the electric motor is only as support for the gas engine. These are not as efficient as the gas is fully hybrid. They are not as environmentally friendly as the full hybrid, but in comparison to normal vessels, they are much more efficient.

The full-hybrid, the electric motor regardless of the gas engine. The full hybrid can be fully on stream, and thus the elimination of harmful emissions, at least during the ride over the city.

The following are the different types of hybrids are available:


* The Ford Escape Hybrid comes in 2WD and 4WD versions. The 2WD gets 36 miles to the gallons in the city and 31 MPG on the highway. The 4WD version is 32 mpg in the city and 29 MPG on the highway.

* Lexus RX 400h is a vehicle and reaching 27 mpg in the city and 25mpg on the highway.

* Saturn Vue Hybrid comes in a 2WD vehicle and get 27mpg in the city and 32 MPG on the highway.

* Mercury Mariner is a 4WD vehicle and gets 32 mpg in the city and 29 MPG on the highway.

* Toyota Highlander Hybrid also comes in 2WD and 4WD. The 2WD is 33mpg in the city and 28mpg on the highway. The 4WD is 31 mpg in the city and 27mpg on the highway.


* Honda Civic Hybrid gets 49 mpg in the city and 51mpg on the highway.

* Honda Accord hybrids get 25 mpg in the city and 34 MPG on the highway

* Toyota Prius is 48 MPG on the highway and 54mpg on the highway

* Lexus GS 450h gets 25 mpg in the city and 38mpg on the highway

* Nissan Altima HEV 42 mpg in the city and 36 MPG on the highway

* Nissan Altima is about 40 miles per gallon and 36MPG on the highway

* The Lexus GS 450h gets 38 MPG on the highway


* GMC Sierra Classic 15 Hybrid comes in 2WD and 4WD. The 2WD will be 18 mpg in the city and 21 mpg in the highway.

* Chevy Silverado Classic 15 Hybrid comes in 2WD and 4WD. The 2WD will be 18 mpg in the city and 21 MPG on the highway. The 4WD is 17 mpg and 19 MPG on the highway.

Your Hybrid Guide can help you decide on which hybrid vehicle is right for you.
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efficient hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:13 0 ความคิดเห็น
efficient hybrid vehicles
with fuel costs continue to rise and the many environmental concerns with a traditional gas vehicle, the need has emerged that, for vehicles, save fuel costs and are environmentally friendly. In order to meet these requirements, hybrid cars have evolved from relative obscurity to enjoy Mainstream success with a strong sales.

The general definition of a hybrid vehicle can be thousands of years, even for old ships, which used the power of wind and rowing. This term can refer to any vehicle that uses two or more methods of power, including gas, electricity, natural gas, vegetable oil, fuel cells, ethanol and other biofuels.

How does it work?

While there are many different types of hybrid vehicles with different mechanisms of power, we are now one of the most popular hybrids on the road today, the Toyota Prius. The Prius uses both gas and electricity prices. Under the hood, it contains an internal combustion engine (gas engine) and an electric motor, with each system are connected and the vehicle through the vehicle of transmission. For the power of storage, the vehicle with a battery, which is also to power the vehicle accessories such as air conditioning and air conditioning. The internal combustion engine and electric motor work in parallel, which means that one or both can power the vehicle at the same time. Regenerative braking is also found in the Prius, which saves and stores kinetic energy when braking. The transfer of the Prius is a Continuously Variable Transmission, with an onboard computer to the need for a shift.


In general, hybrid cars cost more in advance to acquire than a conventional vehicle with the same general specifications. A Prius, for example, costs between $ 20,000 and $ 24,000 depending on the options you choose. A similar vehicle with a conventional engine costs thousands of dollars less. Advance, the costs are much higher. Over the long term, but a hybrid may in fuel costs, so that the additional costs in advance and then pay for themselves in fuel savings over the years.


- Cost reduction is an extremely important factor, while the savings can take a while to materialize, fuel efficiency and cost savings in the long term is a serious advantage

- Organic, a hybrid car is a good car to drive, with less gas and requires less pollution

- The hybrid cars of yesteryear, with their funny looks and funny names are replaced with the sporty and elegant looking, there are also hybrids and SUVs available, are hybrids. If it were a concern, they are not now.

The Future of Hybrids

The future is uncertain, for hybrids, with so many other fuel-saving and environmentally friendly alternatives are already in the pipeline or under development, including many biofuels, fuel cells, via an electrically-driven cars, ethanol as well as a huge splash, hybrids have to be even further to their lead.

Lydia Quinn writes for Brandon Safety Lights, a leading provider of barricade lights, barricade lights and road safety equipment supplies. Visit us at: http://www.brandonsafetylights.com
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efficiency of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:13 0 ความคิดเห็น
efficiency of hybrid vehicles
Recently, the government fleet I work for an additional 10 more hybrid vehicles to its large fleet. Seven of these hybrid vehicles are exempt from the electric-hybrid car variety. The other 3 are light trucks or sport utility hybrid vehicles. The interesting hybrid electric car was the Honda Civic Hybrid. This small car costs about $ 23,000.

One of my biggest concerns about hybrid vehicles, the future maintenance of the batteries and related systems. Honda has this concern by using an 8-year 80,000 miles warranty on the battery back up system and components. Another addition to this hybrid-electric car was the standard or Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) in conjunction with the idle-stop feature that temporarily disables the engine at stops drive makes this vehicle very different is your standard automobile .

For example, by an electric motor will stop and then the gas engine starts and takes over the bulk of the work. Then, as you are driving the hybrid-electric car goes faster, without shifting gears. The transmission depends on the required torque as opposed to shift gears.
For me this is very strange. I'm sure I could get for it over time. Driving in the city reminds me of driving a snowmobile that a CVT transmission.

That is what really interested me, from a technical point of view of the electric motor is very thin about 3 cm wide and fits between the engine and gearbox. You use this engine as a motor engine, which sounds and feels like no starter motor I have ever before.
It starts the engine quickly and quietly, even very good. The placement of the electric motor enables the hybrid vehicle batteries is controlled by the engine braking effect. This explains that if you have a slowdown of the electric motor to a generator to recharge the batteries.

The gas engine part of the equation is also very interesting. The 1.3-liter, 8-valve i-VTEC 4-cylinder engine with the ultra-low emissions levels. This means that tailpipe emissions are in the vicinity of 0, is impressive in it self. This little engine uses the extremely low friction concept for improving efficiency. This simplified, the engine turns over with very little effort. Even my fleet companies have to buy a new type of engine oil for this vehicle. The engine is a synthetic oil-Class with a weight of 0W-20. This thin oil aid in the low friction concept. The engine in conjunction with the hybrid-electric car engine with 110-hp.

The hybrid car will not win any drag races, but it moves like its full Gasmotor cousin. Now to the nuts and bolts. What is the hybrid vehicles, fuel economy rating. The Honda sticker states you will receive 49 to 50 mpg. Our initial review has confirmed this.

The vehicle is always the same as our MPG Toyota hybrid electric car. And about 20 mpg more than our electric / gas powered trucks. Am I going to run and buy? The short answer is: No.

Mark Gittelman is an ASE Certified Master Technician with more than 23 years of automotive experience. You can rely on its hybrid vehicles at specialty http://www.auto-facts.org/hybridcar.html

You can also use its homepage and valuable. The homepage is full of a variety of automotive and auto-repair information, a free education through in-depth articles and stories from the life.
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driving hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:12 0 ความคิดเห็น
driving hybrid vehicles
When buying a hybrid car, you will see that they are consistent with many of the same benefits and advantages of a regular car. Not only that, but also fiscally brakes with much better gas mileage, benefits for the environment and the tranquility that a hybrid can offer. But as with any car hybrids are not all equal. Some hybrids are better than others. Let's take a look at some of the top-hybrids that are on the market.

Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid ranked best in its class for the presentation. With several other modifications to the latest model, such as interior modifications, exterior modifications and the fact that the new style is now a space vehicle fuel economy, one can say that the model has a very long way. The Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid has more than 32 miles per gallon highway driving and 24 miles from the city. It is also inexpensive with a starting price of $ 22,790.

Honda Civic Hybrid If you are thinking about purchasing a Honda Civic Hybrid you will be pleased to know that with a starting price of only $ 22,600 you'll be more than what you pay for with this great car. The Honda Civic Hybrid offers a sleek design, but that's not there. This car also offers a top of the line hybrid system, your car can be 51 miles to the gallon, when driving on the highway and 49 miles per gallon city driving.

Nissan Altima Hybrid The Nissan Altima Hybrid is Nissan's first hybrid. There are other hybrids a real run for their money with a starting price of $ 25,070. It also offers great city mileage of 33 miles per gallon at 35 miles per gallon for highway driving.

Mercury Mariner Hybrid starts at a Mercury Mariner Hybrid $ 26,430. Even though the Mercury Mariner Hybrid is an SUV you will see that there is still a major highway rating of 34 miles per gallon and an evaluation of the beautiful city driving at 30 miles per gallon.

Ford Escape Hybrid The starting price for a Ford Escape Hybrid is $ 25,470, making this the cheapest hybrid SUV on the market. This is a competitive price in the SUV market with the SUV, produced by Mercury and Chevrolet. The Ford Escape Hybrid offers 34 miles per gallon on the highway and 30 miles per gallon when driving in the city.

Toyota Prius, the Toyota Prius is at the top of the list when it comes to the amount of gas mileage offers. With 46 miles per gallon for city and highway driving is at the forefront throughout the passenger car market has been 10 years since they first appeared. With an asking price of $ 20,950 it is certain that other hybrids a run for their money.

Toyota Camry Hybrid Toyota This is more spacious that the Toyota Prius and still offers good gas mileage at 34 gallons per mile for highway and city driving. With a starting price of $ 18,720 you can do this for you.

Just as with everything that this may be the best, but hybrids shop around and find which best suits you.
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diesel electric hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:11 0 ความคิดเห็น
diesel electric hybrid vehicles
This article gives an explanation about the technology behind a hybrid car, together with the benefits you can draw when buying a hybrid car.

We all see the high prices of gas per day and how much it costs to the car. There have been attempts over the years to find a better way to run cars. The hybrid is the best attempt yet. Electric cars have been a number of years, but they have no sense for many people. To really work, the electrical battery must be plugged into an outlet, and you could not travel long distances without recharging station by possibly at the point at which you travel. The hybrid car on the market, and it is the first commercially viable option someone has an alternative to a gasoline vehicle.

A hybrid car has certain advantages that you can not find it, to a gasoline vehicle. Depending on the type of cars, can often be 50 to 60 miles on the gallon. Imagine the kind of savings can be for your wallet. The average person in the United States is rumored, by about 12,000 miles year. If you have 60 miles to the gallon, you need to buy 200 liters of gas per year. If you have a vehicle with petrol 30 miles to the gallon, you need to buy 400 liters of gas per year. This difference of 200 liters of gas at today's price of $ 2.60 is $ 520th Do you see the amount of money you save with a hybrid car. Hybrid cars also have lower levels of toxic fumes emitted from the use in vehicles with gasoline.

If you are using the latest hybrid versions, there were a number of different cars that you can in. The Chevrolet Silverado has a certain type of battery as a mild hybrid. Not much energy is stored within the battery so that it does not have the same kind of energy boost like the other hybrid with it. The idea behind this mild hybrid is that is perfect for camping or if you are outdoors, because it can be a generator for some of your electronic devices. Toyota has been able to identify their Prius to operate in electric only mode. This allows the gasoline powered engine part to stay, so that you minimize your gas usage and for more money in your pocket.

Hybrid versions will continue to grow in number than for car manufacturers in this segment of the market. Nissan comes with a hybrid in conjunction with other companies such as General Motors, DaimlerChrysler and BMW. Depending on the next time the passenger car market, you can relax in a hybrid car. The improvements in technology over the years now have a hybrid car for you to buy, while strong performance with fewer disadvantages than in the past.

Gregg Hall is an author living with his beautiful wife and family in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find out more about the vehicles, as well as car care at http://www.5starshine.com
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diesel hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:11 0 ความคิดเห็น
diesel hybrid vehicles
If people to buy a new car, now there are many different factors in the decision. You have to decide which brand and model as well as with what you are willing to pay and how much the car costs month. The state of affairs in the country and the world are very different than it a decade ago, when gas hovered below a dollar per gallon. gas to buy, it usually costs between $ 2.50 and $ 3.00 per gallon. There are also a greater concern with the level of carbon dioxide emissions from developed countries and the amount of greenhouse gases, which many believe is the world to higher temperatures. With these factors in mind, many people try to think about what they can do to their impact on the world. This is where hybrid cars come into play. If you think about purchasing a new car, the cost of gas is now a factor in the decision-making.

If you are shopping for a new car, think about purchasing a hybrid car. This will benefit you for several reasons. You can count on tax incentives, depending on the type of hybrid you purchase. Hybrids, you can order more miles to the gallons and some of the hybrids can be up to 60 miles per gallon. If your current car only 30 miles per gallon, which allows you to about $ 500 in gas a year, if you are a typical 12,000 miles, that an American drives. They also have fewer toxic emissions from their vehicle, so you know that you're less pollution of the environment. This will allow you to minimize the effects of driving on the environment.

Many car manufacturers are the creation of hybrids with Honda and Toyota lead the pack. Toyota has been producing hybrid cars for more than ten years with the first spread in its native Japan. Hybrid cars were then in the U.S. about 4 years later. Your favorite automobile manufacturer has probably a hybrid, so you can relax in this as well. More car manufacturers are also in the hybrid market because it looks like the demand for these vehicles.

Hopefully this article on the hybrid to choose, has given you some information on why buy hybrid. Take your time to make the car manufacturers and what they have to offer. Make sure that on a Honda and Toyota, on the one hand because they were celebrated as at the forefront of the development of hybrid cars. Remember that you have money to help itself, as well as saving the environment in your own way. More and more people buy hybrid cars, it becomes less and less demand for gas and gas are not the same impact on our wallets in the future, as it is now.

Gregg Hall is an author living with his beautiful wife and family in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about cars and car care accessories in http://www.5starshine.com
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different hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:11 0 ความคิดเห็น
different hybrid vehicles
As you read this, gas prices rise. For many, fuel costs now a large part of their already tight Paycheck. With the economy in this precarious state, this increase is crippling many families. If you are like many Americans, you have may be compatible with your gas pollution sucking machine. Do you remember the times in which the most fuel efficient SUV you could find was a sign of accomplishment. Today the car, which is the best mileage and produces the fewest pounds of Carbon dioxide is the "in". With gas prices projected to climb, hybrids are better and better.

What exactly is a hybrid, you may ask? Simply put, a hybrid is a vehicle that consists of more than one kind of power. Hybrids are the two traditional gas engine and a motor, the battery life. These cars are lighter and more aerodynamic in order to fuel economy. Also, the motors are smaller, but because of the extra battery, they still provide all the power that the average driver.

So now that we know what a hybrid is, we make some comparisons between a few hybrid SUVs and their traditional counterparts. For comparison, we have an impact on gas mileage calculator www.hybrid.com. We also have an annual mileage of 15,000 and the price of gas at $ 4.45. Let's start with the Ford Escape and the Ford Escape Hybrid. The gas-powered version will be used 22mpg and 672 liters of gas per year at a price of $ 2990.91. Ecologically speaking, it uses 11,400 pounds of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. The hybrid version is 32 mpg, which is equivalent to 468 gallons per year and costs $ 2081.03 on fuel. It also provides 8885 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air, 3885 pounds less than the original and an escape savings of $ 909.88 per year in gas costs.

The second vehicle comparison is between the Toyota Highlander and the Toyota Highlander hybrid. Starting with the gas engine again, the Highlander offers an astonishing 19 mpg, with 779 liters of gas per year and it cost $ 3465.54 owner to drive. This is also 14,797 pounds of greenhouse gases into the air. Compare this to the hybrid counterpart, and you will get 26 mpg allowing up to 576 liters of gas at $ 2561.22, it also provides 10,936 liters of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This represents a saving of $ 904.32 and holds 421 pounds of gases not released.

There are other advantages for the owner other than a hybrid gas mileage improves. For example, the government has a $ 3,000.00 tax credit to the Ford Escape Hybrid. Also some companies now offer incentives to their employees who purchase and drive hybrids. These range from $ 1,500 to a few companies at a rich $ 10,000 to others.

There are a few pages down to hybrids if. Some manufacturers are simply not enough supply and demand, you may need to wait a bit before you actually receive the vehicle you want. The cost for the hybrid compared to its gas-guzzling brother can be much higher. The gas-saving, tax breaks and incentives do not help employers. Plus, if you take into account the pollutants do you think of the environment, it is not worth a little extra cash. What world do you want to leave? This may be the real question.

Gary Carter, is a freelance writer and netrepreneur. Love your gas tank and keep your wallet in your pocket. Get your free report "60 Insider Secrets gas you do not want you to know about saving money at the pump" on my website: http://www.MyGasMileageSucks.com
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วันเสาร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

demand of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:22 0 ความคิดเห็น
demand of hybrid vehicles
In 2005, we have the gasoline prices so high that many had hybrid vehicles to buy and they quickly sold out. There were waiting lists for Toyota and Honda all models. And Toyota Prius is the car of the year. The United -- Congress and the Senate has an energy bill that many incentives for those who buy hybrid cars. Many of these tax benefits began on January 1, 2006, which meant some buyers had waited until 2006 for the purchase of the car that they wanted.

Meanwhile, DaimlerChrysler and other auto manufacturers are all in order to provide incentives to purchase their gas-guzzling SUV models like the Jeep. With $ 58.00 per month payments, $ 1,000 rebates and free oil changes, maintenance and gas for two years. With this type of incentives they are sure to sell vehicles. But you can expect that the hybrid vehicle development to accelerate, too.

In fact, expected in 2006 for new models to come to see consumer demand and alleviate some of these waiting lists. Also expect fuel prices to inch back further fueling the demand for these vehicles throughout the year 2006 and in 2007. The free market and freedom of choice for consumers to save fuel can only save the environment, say some climate change alarmists. Think about the answer to their solution is to all free market and capitalism, not more rules and regulations, the exact opposite of what the opposing party of the current leadership in the United States. Think on this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative ideas and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online author in retirement.
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control of hybrid electric vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
control of hybrid electric vehicles
The price of gasoline and heating oil was around again. And only after the price of gasoline fall last month.

In the State of Illinois, the American Automobile Association (AAA) reports that the price of gasoline by up to 30 cents per gallon, while the average increase in the state will be 25 cents per gallon over the month of February. The increase in the price of gasoline was rising eight cents more than last year the price for the same month.

The dependence on foreign oil makes the country vulnerable to such price increases in the price of gasoline. That is the reason why car buyers are looking for new vehicles with good fuel economy rating.

In the automotive industry, automobile manufacturers have developed a solution to the demand for fuel efficient cars. Hybrid vehicles are the answer to the automotive manufacturers to further increase prices for gasoline. These vehicles are equipped with a small engine and an electric motor providing additional power to the motor.

Toyota has the hybrid revolution in the United States and the popularity of the Prius, Toyota hybrid car, has resulted in many hybrid vehicles are offered to American car buyers. Several manufacturers now offer a wide range of hybrid vehicles for the fuel conscious car buyers.

Toyota, with the hybrid revolution, offers the Prius - the first hybrid in the U.S. besides the Prius, Toyota also has two hybrid versions of the most popular models. They offer a hybrid version of the Camry sedan and the middle of the popular Highlander SUV.

Apart from the Department of Production Toyota hybrid vehicles, the company's luxury brand Lexus also hybrid vehicles. Lexus offers a hybrid G45h the 600hL hybrid and the RX 400h hybrid. Besides Toyota, other Asian brands have also enabled on the rising demand for clean and fuel-efficient vehicles.

Honda has a hybrid version of the Accord in response to the Camry hybrid. In addition to the Honda Accord Hybrid, Honda also offers a hybrid version of the Civic compact sedan and the Honda Insight.

Meanwhile, Nissan, other Asian brand also offers a hybrid car in the series - the Nissan Altima Hybrid by Nissan cargo liner conferences.

During the Asian brands have clear control of the hybrid vehicle in the U.S. domestic auto manufacturers are also offering it to the needs of American motorists for fuel-saving vehicles.

General Motors, for example, has four hybrid vehicles on the market. The GMC Sierra is one of the most popular models of GMC and General Motors have, that a hybrid version of the Sierra are warmly by the public.

Apart from the GMC Sierra, GM Chevrolet Division also a Chevy Silverado hybrid car for those who want the versatility of large vehicles, without regard for fuel efficiency.

Another brand owned by General Motors, Saturn, also offers hybrid vehicles in the Green Line model lineup. The Saturn Vue is one of the models of Saturn with a hybrid version. The other hybrid vehicle is the Saturn Aura Green Line hybrid vehicle.

Ryan Thomas is a native of Denver, Colorado. He grew up in a family of car enthusiasts. He now resides in Detroit where he owns a service shop and works part time as a consultant for a local automotive magazine.
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demand for hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
demand for hybrid vehicles
A plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (also called PHEV) is a car, the batteries can be recharged through a conventional outlet. PHEVs have both traditional as well as internal combustion engines and batteries that power the car entirely by themselves . The advantage of PHEVs is that when they are on their electric charge only it is estimated they cost about 20-30% of what they have on gas. Not only does this benefit the consumer, it is also good news for the environment, as these cars reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

The future is bright for plug-in hybrids. The first PHEVs by large automobile manufacturers in 2009, with more companies on the market in a big way in 2010. Even today, it is possible a PHEV if you already have a conventional hybrid vehicle through the use of easily obtained conversion rates. In fact, the Prius you saw today may be a converted PHEV!

Plug-in hybrids are often in so-called cost-degrading mode at first, only by cheaper and cleaner energy. To a certain degree of exhaustion of the battery, the internal combustion engine kick in. More advanced PHEVs can use the so-called blended mode, driving in different modes, depending on the maximum energy efficiency can be achieved on a long journey. From now on, it is unclear what the area will be all electric for new PHEVs, but it is easy to say: It is likely that PHEVs comes in value as a "PHEV-50" indicating 50 miles an all - electric cooker .

In parts of Europe charging spots in parking lots to be installed. It is pay-per use outlets for use by people who drive PHEVs and want a full fee for the ride home or to their next destination. In fact, a major automobile manufacturer has plans to install an electrical spot recahrging infrastructure in parts of Europe for its fleet of PHEVs. It is possible that more than PHEVs main team, many hotels and resorts of the company may have charged into their parking spaces and

Despite the fact that carbon emissions are produced when electricity is generated, PHEVs are still much less polluting than conventional cars, and even regular hybrids. If clean coal, nuclear or other means of clean power generation will widespead, this difference is even more pronounced. In addition, PHEVs will contribute to more efficient distribution and use of electricity production, because they are frequently outside peak times (eg at night). Finally, a little-known but Powerful! Possible use of PHEVs, as the source of emergency power supply for the house.

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles will soon be in the mass commercial market, and could be an important means to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, our contribution to global warming, and the financial burden of the people who order their tanks with gas. For these reasons, we can all hope that PHEVs become a preferred and widely used means of transport.

For more information about plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in the United States and Canada, please see http://www.phevs.us

For information on PHEVs in the UK and Europe, please http://www.pluginhybrids.co.uk
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cost of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
cost of hybrid vehicles
If the price of gasoline has scared you, and you may think about trading in your car for a moped, you have the right half of the solution. It would be time to trade in the car, but forget the moped - a hybrid car instead.

The dictionary defines the word as a hybrid: Offspring from breeding between parents of two different species, and this is a good definition for our purposes. This is because a hybrid car is a power plant, which is a mixture of gasoline-powered engine and an electric motor.

What is the great thing about hybrid cars?

The automotive industry claims that a hybrid car can give you as much as 20 to 30 miles per gallon more performance than a standard gasoline engine. That means you buy less gasoline, and buying less gasoline leaves more money in your pocket. You need that extra money, because hybrid cars are still relatively expensive compared to conventional gasoline cars. As more hybrid cars are sold, production, prices fall and the drop in the selling price.

How does a hybrid car save gasoline?

In a typical automobile, the engine is equipped with the transmission via a mechanical connection to drive. If the engine is the spark plug fires, they ignite gasoline vapor which pushes a piston up and down. This piston movement is on the transfer on the train. The transfer is of the wheels and the car on the road.

Well, the hybrid car is almost exactly the same except that in addition to the motor connected to the transmission, an electric motor is also connected to the transmission. Actually, there are two different versions of hybrid cars. The one that has just described as a parallel hybrid, because there are two different sources simultaneously connected with the transfer.

The other type of hybrid car is a number, because the gasoline-hybrid engine in series with the electric car to power. This is confirmed by the gasoline engine either charge the car batteries or power the electric motor. The gasoline engine does not really turn the vehicle wheels.

The parallel hybrid is in the electrical motor when the car is at a certain speed, and the gasoline engine takes, if this speed is exceeded, or if sensors in the car indicate that the driver has suddenly so as to whether or to prevent emergencies.

Of course, the gasoline engine is always running, even if the electric car is the driving force, so that some fuel is always used.

The Hybrid Series is always running from the electric motor, the maximum speed of the car and the gasoline engine takes up where the batteries must be charged.

Like all automotive claims, your mileage may vary. Even so, if you are on less money at the gas station, and avoid a lot about the effects of rising gas prices, you can park a hybrid car in your garage.

Nassy Diane is the founder of the http://www.save-on-gas-prices.com. Visit their website for great tips on ways to rising gas prices. E-mail: deeljeabiz@gmail.com
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costs of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
costs of hybrid vehicles
Well I finally test drove the 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV as part of my research into more fuel-efficient vehicles. If you do not read my previous article, I would like you up to speed faster. I currently drive A 2002 Nissan XTERRA and I'm growing with the increasing fuel prices. What I wanted to know was I, to my joy of driving an SUV to save money?

The first phase of my research was to a Ford Escape hybrid to be tested. Sounds simple enough, but turns out it was a difficult task because it is the best-selling compact SUV in Canada. While there are about 5 Ford dealer near my residence, I had to travel to another major city to find it. So finally I was staring at a black 2008 Ford Escape Hybrid 4WD. The appearance was pleasantly aggressive, and I really like the front-end face-lifts that Ford has for many of its vehicles. The roof was a nice extra to my kayak and the interior spacious enough for the equipment that I carry on my kayaking adventure. Although the interior would be my equipment, it was not enough for my mountain bike, but this can be solved with the tower rack. I do not think I could sleep in the back, but I think I may be in a better than my tent is leaking. In addition to the bike and sleeping quarters, I was still impressed.

Let us return to the hybrid part of this machine. The dashboard was good, and the battery indicator was fascinating. I wanted to know where the 330-volt battery and has been saved, but the sales staff does not let me open the metal cover on the back. My question to the seller was, how reliable is the battery? The sales staff has assured me that it is very reliable and has an 8-year warranty.

Ok, so the Escape Hybird looks like a regular SUV and has a battery, but how does it drive? When I heard it I use the typical 4-cylinder gas engine instantly. The seller explained that the hybrid has been for some time in idle and thus the batteries, some before loading into and would soon come with some of the trip. The way the battery is charged, it is the energy, during break and stores it in the battery. I was curious to see how long it would take for me to drive up the fee would be enough, so I ventured to the bustling streets of Mississauga. At the 6-minute mark of the driving I was shocked by what happens next, while at a red light the engine was so quiet that I first noted with dismay that the vehicle was turned off - great, in a busy intersection! I started to laugh, as I pressed the accelerator pedal (not the gas pedal) and the Ford hybrid punched forward. It was in electric mode - amazing! As soon as I started accelerating, the engine went into gas mode when the demand was too much for the battery and needs more loaded. More time for the batteries to charge fully, I would have more electric driving.

During my short trip I experienced the electric and gas modes. I was very impressed by the performance in electric mode. The sound and the feeling was like driving a golf cart (a much larger golf cart with accessories of course). I felt really good to be in electric mode during this time, I was not demanding fuel economy and emissions of trucks were virtually non-existent.

I must note that the Ford Escape Hybrid is a must for all riders who like SUV's. How many of us, in connection with hybrid "small" "Now it is our opinion on" fuel efficient "and" functional. "Try a hybrid, save money and the environment.

Do you have a comment? Please feel free to contact me: @ sean.stewart yourautomarket.com

About Sean Stewart Sean Stewart is the President of http://www.YourAutoMarket.com - A unique online connection automatically classified site used vehicle buyers and sellers through online ads using "virtual test drive" video. Both the private and Sellers and traders use YourAutoMarket.com 's video ads to attract more customers and a better selling price. YourAutoMarket.com donates $ 1 from each entry to add to the Lincoln County Humane Society. Learn more about YourAutoMarket.com' s on http://www.YourAutoMarket.com
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comparison of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
comparison of hybrid vehicles
This may be a surprise ... but there are hybrid cars for sale, although a very new technology.

Since the campaign against global warming rise, more and more people look for products that keep sustainability without a compromise with the brand and quality.

That is what the idea, and the growth of hybrid vehicles are lent to us. They ensure that people are not completely on the fuel of their car, by bringing additional alternatives that are similar or higher jurisdiction.

Hybrid vehicles are the result of concerns about the environment and the increasing fuel prices. Therefore, car manufacturers built hybrid vehicles to operate on fuel and electric power energy, thereby decreasing dependence on gasoline alone.

Although hybrid vehicles are currently more expensive than conventional fuel-powered cars, their long-term gains unquestionably outweigh the short-term impact on the wallet. The more time passes, the manufacturer and will be able to develop vehicles based on electric power and batteries only - but that calls for a completely different story.

Brand new hybrid vehicles may be pain in the wallet, but do not really have to worry because there are many old hybrid cars sold in a similar manner to conventional fuel-powered cars. Because of the prevalence of hybrid vehicles, customers and dealers have also supported the sale of hybrid vehicles, much to the joy and the pleasure of the budget known, but ecologically conscious consumers.

Of course, if you purchase used hybrid vehicles, you must all have the same position and the hawk-like stance someone to buy a conventional vehicle. When buying a used hybrid vehicle, in addition to the finding, if all parts are there and functional, you should also make information about the history, past ownership and its manner of use.

You must also ask, how come so well used hybrid vehicle will be put up for sale. It may be that the previous owner has purchased a new hybrid vehicle, or it may be that he bored with hybrid vehicles. But it is unusual that you hear about the bad uses hybrid vehicle sold, especially if you are the person to be sold.

The success of a hybrid vehicle, you should use your own investigation and determine everything about the specific model you're thinking about, so you will not be standing clueless once negotiations time arrives.

There is a large amount of information on the network, or you would prefer to join internet communities in which they have the pros and cons of hybrid vehicles in general, or certain models. Some discussions, especially those locally, you could also advise on resale agents set used hybrid cars for sale. Nothing is better than hearing from other first-hand experience with the agent you're thinking about.

Remember, purchasing used hybrid cars do not really need much preparation, if you are in comparison to normal purchase vehicles. Everything you need is an understanding of the function, such as hybrid vehicles, so that you are not fooled. Check the background of the seller, even if it is pleasant. Do not forget to retailers who used hybrid vehicles offered for sale and only have one end in her brain - that is, to the sale.

Make sure you know all about hybrid cars before the purchase, by this popular hybrid cars website.

Kamran is a hybrid car freak and avid supporters of the introduction of a new hybrid car. He runs an informative website that has lots of information about hybrid cars and shows the best manufacturers of hybrid cars. To the best of this cool stuff and much more make sure you Kamran's Web site at http://fromexpert.110mb.com/hybridcars
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cons hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
cons hybrid vehicles
The 2007 Honda Civic Hybrid will be approximately $ 22,000, without any special add-on features. If you opt for a hybrid with features such as the Satellite Linked Navigation System ™ and fog lights and all that you are on the lookout on a $ 30,000 vehicle. All prices aside, I will keep you in this vehicle and show you what it is about.

Honda Civic Hybrid Standard Features

The first standard feature on the list is multi-point fuel injection. Multipoint injection is a system that injects fuel into each cylinder as opposed to a carburetor or throttle nozzle that injects the fuel injection at a point in the recording system.

Next we have the "drive-by-wire throttle system, improves the efficiency and reduction of motor vehicle emissions. The way this happens is to replace the old gas controls with an electronic system that is accurate and requires no oil or a service, and not by external forces, such as hot or cold weather.

Subsequently, we have front-wheel drive. This function is obviously the front, but as the rear wheels of the car. There are many reasons for this that has to do with the control and handling.

Direct Ignition System with Immobilizer, the next function. Theoretically, the advantage of this system not as a traditional ignition systems is that there are no parts that wear out and cause you problems in the future, if you try to put your car.

Next on the list, we have unit-body construction. This is a system that only tries to reduce the weight of the car, so that fuel efficient.

This vehicle also comes with, MacPherson Strut front suspension that is not better than double Wishbone suspension, but it is still better than most. Only problem with this is that the wheel is actually in the curve, which effects the sharpness of the turn. Well, at least to make a few bucks here because this function.

Finally, this vehicle with a spare tire as well as many other cars not just add that extra feature on the list.

Honda Civic Hybrid Specifications

The Honda Civic Hybrid will have an in-line 4-cylinder aluminum alloy engine. He has a 1339 cc. Displacement, 110 @ 6000 PS, 123 @ 1000-2500 toque, and 10:8:1 compression ratio. It was an AT-PZEV Fuel Assessment (BEST), which determines how well it runs on the same amount of fuel compared to other cars.

Honda Civic Hybrid Mileage

The hybrid vehicle is about 49 miles per gallon (51 highway) meaning you get more for the money. If you want to see how much you can save, head to the hybrid Honda civic official website (http://automobiles.honda.com) and savings calculator. The hybrid only unleaded petrol, in case you were wondering.

Honda Civic Hybrid Measurements

The following measurements show that the volume inside the vehicle. If you have a large person, you must subscribe to this to ensure that you are comfortable. In each case, the only reason I tolerate the use of a large car 1) Camping Equipment, 2) great people. You must be comfortable and if you do not, you have my blessing to pollute. The head room for a Honda Civic is about 39 cm on the front and 37 inch on the back. The legroom is about 42 cm on the front and 34 inch on the back. The shoulder room on the front is approximately 54 cm on the front and 52 inch on the back.

Honda Civic Hybrid Awards for 2007

This vehicle has the 2007 car of the year because it is a useful tool, it is affordable and practical for all drivers today. It was also chosen because it is a good choice for first-time drivers. This is important because people can drive a car if it is the young brand, how to keep up with later.

Consumer Guide named the Honda civic hybrid of Best Buy for compact cars. From 80 or so cars, this vehicle is based, such as price, features, performance, accommodations, fuel economy, reliability records and resale value.

Finally, with the Honda CarDomain People's Choice Award for "Most Mod-Friendly Car." This award is for the car to have more than 1 million visitors cardomain.com.

This is the gist of the Honda Civic Hybrid. If you want more information about purchasing one of these vehicles today, please visit the official website for more information.

George Christodoulou,

If you have any further questions or need more information about the 2007 Honda Civic Hybrid, please visit the http://electricvehiclesite.com for more information!
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compare hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
compare hybrid vehicles
You may be surprised to learn that the United States consumes a quarter of the world's oil but has only three percent of global oil reserves on their own territory. As a result, America is forced to import more than 60% of the oil our country needs, which are more and more about foreign countries, especially in the Middle East, to support our oil addiction.

Many experts are under the impression that the introduction and popularity of hybrid vehicles in the United States is our dependence on foreign oil. Powered share of gasoline and electric engines, hybrids use much less gasoline than conventional vehicles and therefore less oil. About 11 million barrels of oil in the U.S. every day, and although most of it is a contribution to the industry, the operation of vehicles with a little oil hybrids and that a way to make this amount.

Since the market is responding so well to the introduction of hybrid vehicles, it is predicted that more Americans to buy fuel-efficient cars, including lower costs for gasoline and are better for the environment. Many are also hybrid buyers win incentives offered by the government, and have been spreading the word about the benefits of hybrid vehicles to their friends and families

Although the U.S. oil addiction is through the sale of hybrids, it is unlikely that there is a big selling factor. It was recently discovered that if every car in the United States was a hybrid car, the country would save about 15 percent more oil than usual. Because oil is such a hot commodity, this seemingly small amount could have a lot in the political and economic world and effect as the American consumers' attitudes about the environment.

Although consumers are comfortable hybrids on the market, the vehicles will be sold faster than they can change and the dependence of the U.S. is slow. Despite the impact of vehicles on oil use, the environment and the amount of gasoline used, many drivers are not for trade in their current vehicle for a hybrid model. The process has begun, however, and it will not be long before the effects of buying a hybrid to be seen in the American economy.

If the prospect of saving hundreds of dollars a month on gasoline costs, helping the environment and incentives for the buyer is not enough to make your next car a hybrid, think of the level of oil imports from your country and others do something to lower than the addiction.

Roman Robinson is a writer for the purchase tires.com. He shares his passion for hybrid vehicles and the excellent benefits they offer.
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best hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 05:19 0 ความคิดเห็น
best hybrid vehicles
In recent years, hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have a lot of press, both good and bad. As with any new technology is that any technology newly offered to the public-there are proponents and opponents on the wide use of HEVs. pros and cons are free to hear, and it can be difficult for the average person is not required, all relevant information. Here is a short, simple overview of the advantages and disadvantages of HEVs.

The most obvious benefit of HEVs is lowered impact on the environment. A vehicle that the current electricity produced exclusively by absolutely no emissions. Admittedly, a hybrid vehicle has some emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, but only by the gasoline engine. If your vehicle is from current 50% of the time, it will reduce harmful exhaust emissions by 50%.

Hybrid vehicles are quieter and cause less noise pollution-an important aspect in the urban areas. The engine runs only when the vehicle is being actively pursued. Over time, this feature also cuts to the total consumption of energy.

Another benefit is that HEVs obvious to a fuel source that is already available, and that does not depend on foreign oil. The United States already has numerous electrical installations that are already large amounts of electricity.

In most cases, hybrids are easy to be fuel. The majority of hybrid vehicles on the market can demonstrate that the batteries are plugged in and again, an adapter allows most hybrid owners to "fuel up" their vehicles at home. Some cities make charging stations available as well.

However, there are also disadvantages as well. HEVs a lead-acid battery. This may take a long time to save costs, sometimes as long as 10 hours. This is not so much a problem if you are at home and plan for the car to stay free, but it may be decided uncomfortable when you're on. In the future, as HEVs become stronger, you may assume, charging with the capability of batteries in a fraction of the time is available.

Another disadvantage is that the hybrids vary somewhat in the distance that they are on a fully charged battery, the average is about 60 miles per charge. Again, this is not much of an obstacle for a hybrid vehicle, the switch to gasoline power need, but very awkward for a car with fully electrical propulsion (EV). In addition, the batteries have a limited shelf life-roughly three years and are very expensive to replace.

Researchers are experimenting with other types of batteries such as nickel-metal hydride, nickel-cadmium and lithium-ion batteries. At the moment this could be a better performance, but the costs are prohibitive.

Finally, the costs for the purchase of a hybrid vehicle is a major deterrent for many people, taking into account the "switching". " HEVs are still significantly more expensive that their gasoline-driven counterparts. To a certain degree, reduced consumption, better fuel economy and reduced maintenance costs as a counterweight to the higher costs. There are also state tax credits, based on federal and sometimes even at the level, for people who buy hybrid vehicles.

Is it worth it to replace your current vehicle with an HEV? It depends. Only you could say. If you have your research, and not the mathematics. Look at all the different factors, and an educated decision. Only you can know if an HEV is the best choice, because your life, your preferences and your budget.

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