วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

bmw central london

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 08:16
you want only the best, what is the reason why the 325 or BMW 325i. They bought it for the aerodynamic design, the table fabelhafte kidney grilles and distinctive four headlamps. There are a multitude of functions, which have a large BMW, but perhaps the best is the car stereo system. There is nothing like a cruising speed of the highway on a summer day with your music, driving more like a personal venue for concerts, especially when the vehicle of choice is the BMW 325 or 325i. stereo sound can be improved or destroyed according to a large extent on the speakers you choose to use in your car stereo system. High-quality loudspeaker 325 or 325i speakers on woofers, midranges and tweeters to bring you all levels of the frequency that your music demands for audio quality.

As you may remember from science classes in school, the sound is on air-waves that are produced when there are fluctuations in air pressure. These waves make your eardrum, which works like a flexible membrane, allowing the membrane to move. These movements in the membrane by the brain and how our sound. The same theory is also at work in your car speakers. The drivers all on one cone, to pick up different types of pressure frequencies that the driver, such as clay.

The smallest drivers are tweeters. These units are designed to absorb the high tones, the emissions from the electronic bits on the medium on which your song or audiobook is. Higher tones are when the air pressure changes rapidly. These rapid changes cause the diaphragm in the tweeter to vibrate rapidly, and these vibrations are determined by the speaker in the high tones.

The biggest drivers are as woofer. Low frequencies are easily removed from the woofer. Their size promotes the membrane in these drivers to slow, this is a similar movement, the low-frequency sound waves to create. Woofers are not the best choice for high frequencies because it is difficult for the membrane to vibrate faster through the mass of the membrane hindering the movement. The diaphragm is the structure of the membrane in the position to which the polarity changes of electromagnetic and permanent magnets, the air movement and vibration. Midrange drivers are in the size of the high and low, and thus the perfect size to easily take the noise in the middle of the frequency range of sound.

The high quality 325 and 325i speakers speaker woofer, tweeter and midrange. This gets every nuance of sound on your favorite music you play in your BMW 325th

Wayne Hemrick is an audiophile and BMW driver, the audio quality. After the recognition of the quality of the sound in his new car, he decided to research the science behind the 325-speaker 325i speakers.

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