วันพุธที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

harley davidson motorcycle seat

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 13:42
Because Harley Davidson motorcycles are usually at the upper end of the bikes, they are naturally more expensive. And for this reason, they are more expensive to insure. Fortunately for the drivers, the Harley Davidson is big enough to hold some leverage. Groups , clubs and organizations, and then insurance companies vie for the opportunity to its members services. Often, so Harley riders can enjoy the discounts.

Further, the purchase of a Harley Davidson motorcycle, the owner in an enviable position, as U.S. offers Harley Davidson bike insurance. This is a totally unique concept in favor of the insured, as the representative of the Harley-Davidson Insurance Services are usually HD owners themselves. Everything is specific to the Harley Davidson. Generic insurance is not necessarily to the same extent as HD since they are not completely familiar with the custom aspects of the motorcycle. Also, the HD MotorClothes apparel might be for the insurance.

While HD-drivers are in great numbers and are generally more elderly persons who would lead you to believe that insurance should be cheaper, there are several points which affect the cost of the Harley Davidson motorcycle insurance.

- HD-Motorcycles are very attractive to thieves so many bikes are stolen and their parts. Only very few are removed when the thieves to identify the wheels.

- Due to the bike's higher purchase price, the owner may be more likely to lodge a claim as if the wheel is less expensive.

- The high initial price, the bikes are more expensive to repair.

- Some Harleys are as classic as the company with the production of motorcycles for more than a hundred years and many models are no longer in production.

- Many owners finance their Harley-Davidson buys, so that the lender is fully informed about the insurance, the premium to be higher.

- Equipment and adaptation will be based on the Harley Davidson insurance premium. The more "add-ons", the higher the insurance premium.

- Since there is no official blue book (like cars), HD-values are sometimes arbitrarily insurance. This means that, "agreed value" may be substantially higher or lower depending on the insurer.

- Some companies offer roadside assistance free of charge while others charge.

- Extra-insurance to cover injury and replacement of the Harley rider when the motorcycle is supported by an uninsured or underinsured motorist.

- Unlike cars, where everyone in the car by the insurance, Harley Davidson motorcycle insurance will also be additional costs associated with passenger door.

In summary, before you buy a Harley Davidson motorcycle, it is useful to inquire about insurance, to determine what you can afford.

Rudy Van Lancker is a consultant helping wealthy clients with detailed advice on various topics including motorcycle insurance is also a great Harley-Davidson fan who regularly blogs about both subjects.

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