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hybrid and fuel cell vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:22 0 ความคิดเห็น
hybrid and fuel cell vehicles
The term applies, is that really HEV, which stands for hybrid electric vehicles. These are the most fuel efficient vehicles for most of us.

While the current configuration can be based on the construction of the intent of the manufacturer, they are generally a small (by regular vehicle standards) gasoline engine with an electric motor.

While the gasoline engine has most of the locomotion on the highway speeds, when less fuel is needed, but also available to the additional power that the electric motor can not provide or sustain for long.

The electric battery / motor combination, the car moves in some cases, without the gasoline engine, the idle state at the bus stops, such as light and in the drive-thru, and can assist the gasoline engine, as it pushes the hybrid vehicle on the road. Not only is the saving of fuel while the motor is maintenance of the systems, which usually idling situations, but that means that less pollution is emitted into the air, usually within the limits of our most polluted areas .. . in our cities.

While the vehicles of the vehicle, especially in idling situations, the battery, the electric motor with power is recharged. When braking at slow speed (in the city, stop-and-go), regenerative braking is generally used to the car rather than the brakes themselves. In regenerative braking, the electric motor actually changes is polarity to an electrical generator, which charges the battery. This change of engine-generator creates a reverse torque to slow and stop the vehicle. On the highway speeds, normal braking operation.

At times, the inside of the battery under the DIP level, and during that time, the small gasoline engine automatically to the battery.

Even with hybrids, but there are different types of vehicles to meet the needs of consumers. There are hybrid SUV's, trucks, and small and mid-size sedans like the Toyota Prius, one of the most fuel efficient hybrid vehicles available, on average about 50 MPG. Larger hybrid vehicles, like SUV's and trucks, more to the fuel in a relative sense. The fuel economy of these larger hybrid vehicles tend to roughly equal a gasoline powered sedan.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has worked in several senior positions. After leaving the U.S. Army in 1995, he was arrested in Internet marketing, and various online companies. He has been writing poetry, articles and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. He blogs about weight loss and health, hybrid cars and alternative fuels, and internet marketing and related business topics.
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gm hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
gm hybrid vehicles
The first thing you notice is when you look at the key is that the car does not start at once. There is a delay while the computer starts the car. Another feature or characteristic is that when you keylock door, there are strange sounds as regenerative braking fees. Idle for a few minutes and the engine dies. This is the strangest part of all about driving a hybrid. The feeling that something is wrong, because the engine died .

As you step on the gas, there is virtually no delay. Of course you are not really stepping on the gas, you have only to tell the computer that you want to move. The electric motor starts the car in motion.

The hybrid car is a fun to drive, you just need to first use to the computer driving the car for you. If you are under 40, and the brakes of the engine will die, more than 40 of the motor is running all the time. When you accelerate, the electric motor, together with gas engine for extra power supply.

I drive a Ford Escape hybrid with 4-wheel drive and the MPG is a little lower than the 2-wheel drive, I can not reach the 33 MPG that it is in the city. It is rated 29 MPG on the highway, and I do about 31 MPG by 65 to 70 and not using the cruse control. The Cruse control accelerates to fast on hills. When I first escape I tried very hard not to speed quickly in order to conserve fuel, but when I returned to normal driving in city traffic, I have the MPS-26-28

Sometimes, for no apparent reason at all races in the engine up to around 4 thousand rpm for a short period. The speed remains the same, it can be used to recharge the battery or any other reason not known. This is usually done at low speed. I did notice in the manual, so that there is not too worried when the engine running after the ignition off, this could happen if the battery was disconnected.

Some of the things that I'm not at my escape is the space inside. There is no space between the front seats and the console. I have my credit card declined between the driver's seat and the console on several occasions and had to fish with a coat hanger. The cover pulls that on the cargo section at the back is only in the manner. I have all but throw it away.

I do not think that I always have the best of the high voltage battery. At the traffic lights, the car starts with the electric motor, but very slowly and if you're looking for more speed from the gas engine starts at once. It would be nice if the car would stay on the electric motor, at least until you get up to 40 km / h on a normal start. The battery barely runs, unless you are creeping in stop-and-go traffic.

More of my interests, please visit my web site at:
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hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles
Nobody likes to pay for fuel, month after month, year after year. Pumping your precious hard-earned wages into the pockets of the world's most powerful multinational corporations. The oil companies!

Unfortunately, we do not have a lot of alternatives, except perhaps to sell the family a car and bicycle.

Fortunately, there is something the man on the street actually do, and with a minimal noise as well. Hybrid vehicle technology is not new, it has indeed been some time, but it is not that widely known. The hushed rumors about water, gas conversion are often limited to a certain amusement. If you doubt this, go into the workforce of tomorrow and the people say that you are on the Internet, you can leave your car on water. Just watch your colleagues' Run 'you out the door!

The truth is that your car on water is not a joke, myth and fantasy. It was not back from the big names yet (trust me they will) and as a result. Most people tend not to believe what until the official launch brand names he screamed it to all their favorite media platforms.

The reality of water-gas conversions at home is fairly straightforward and easily obtainable. Most, if not all the necessary elements that can be purchased on the spot by the hardware and general stores. Nothing of what is necessary, your vehicle is running on the water must be ordered a few unofficial shady location midway into the other side of the world

Hybrid vehicles are everywhere, unfortunately, that the media should not be around them. Running your car on water is a matter of a few simple steps. Enable to save money, the environment and prolong your cars life in the process. Visit http://www.watertogascars.com to see how.
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hybrid air vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
hybrid air vehicles
Many people around the world are facing financial difficulties due to the recent petrol hike. This is the limited effect of the global crude oil and rising demand. Oil prices on the local station is expected to go even higher. Many vehicle owners have to trade in their muscle cars for a fuel efficient sedan. Some people do not have that option. The solution for them is to find a way to ensure their Mileage car. In this article a few fuel saving tips that proved to reduce gasoline consumption .

The latest idea to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, the vehicle is to make our cars into hydrogen hybrids. A hydrogen-hybrid vehicles, both petrol and hydrogen (H2) as energy source. H2 is flammable, clean and efficient and is ideal as a supplement to ordinary gasoline. Hydrogen can be produced from water with an electrolysis device. The idea is to collect the H2 into the engine air intake system.

When an engine burns gasoline and hydrogen gas mixture, there is a potential for a strong performance. This is because H2 is three times higher than fossil fuels. In theory, if you fill the same amount as a fuel in your car gas tank, drive your vehicle if more electricity is produced from the engine. This means that your car miles per gallon to save money for you.

To convert an internal combustion engine into a hydrogen hybrid is an easy process. Anyone who has car-service capabilities can be used for conversion. It is a good idea to change blueprint to help you. Most of the guides are available on the Internet. If you are looking for car fuel saving tips, start by using hydrogen as an alternative fuel for your vehicle.

Are more and more money for fuel for your car? Improve your vehicle driven by our car fuel saving tips. Read the reviews of online resources, your car on water at http://www.water-car-review.info
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how many hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
how many hybrid vehicles
Hybrid vehicles have more and more in the U.S. since the introduction of the Toyota Prius. This fuel efficient vehicle is equipped with a small engine, is generally of gasoline. The fuel is due to the use of an electric motor that delivers the additional power, to the engine.

While a smaller engine may not be suitable for certain driving conditions, the electric motor with a battery on board to the power of the small engine sufficiently. But designers and engineers in the automotive industry are constantly looking for ways to improve the performance of a hybrid vehicle. Turbodyne Technologies Inc. is one of the companies on the lookout for ways to improve the performance of hybrid cars. Recently, the company announced that they developed a new technology, whose aim is to help hybrid vehicles perform better.

Turbodyne has the design of the flow Turbodyne Turbo ™ electronic air injection system. The technology is for the use of hybrid vehicles. "It is clear that hybrid vehicle is experiencing significant growth," said Al Case, the Chief Executive Officer of Turbodyne. "The biggest challenge is to provide a maximum engine performance and fuel economy simultaneously. There lies the opportunity for Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system, "Case added.

The Turbo Flow technology differs from turbo and super chargers by the absence of mechanical connections. This is because the flow Turbodyne turbo air injection system uses an electric motor for operating the air compressor, which in turn supplies air to the engine.

By eliminating the mechanical connection, the air injection is better than turbo or super chargers. Super Chargers have power from the engine to operate the air compressor, and this means that the current through the motor is reduced.

Turbochargers, on the other hand, with gas to exhaust air into the combustion chamber. This means that if there is much less exhaust, such as when starting a car, the turbocharger can not help the engine. Both the reduction of engine power and the lack of start-power problems are solved by the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system.

Since hybrid vehicles are known to a good storage of electrical energy, it makes sense that the new air injection for hybrid vehicles with electricity. Since the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system is not dependent on the motor, it can be used during a cycle. It is specifically designed to air in small engines such as the shift to hybrid engines.

This new technology, the performance of fuel-efficient cars. This could mean that hybrid vehicles will continue their domination of the automobile industry in the future. From the way things look, hybrid vehicles are the bully dog in the yard of the automotive industry.

With more and more developments like these, we can certainly expect more and more hybrid vehicles roaming our streets.

Jenny McLane is a 36-year-old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about them. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading automotive suppliers in the country today. You may Bully Dog for more information.
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history of hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:21 0 ความคิดเห็น
history of hybrid vehicles
Hybrid vehicles have more and more in the U.S. since the introduction of the Toyota Prius. This fuel efficient vehicle is equipped with a small engine, is generally of gasoline. The fuel is due to the use of an electric motor that delivers the additional power, to the engine.

While a smaller engine may not be suitable for certain driving conditions, the electric motor with a battery on board to the power of the small engine sufficiently. But designers and engineers in the automotive industry are constantly looking for ways to improve the performance of a hybrid vehicle. Turbodyne Technologies Inc. is one of the companies on the lookout for ways to improve the performance of hybrid cars. Recently, the company announced that they developed a new technology, whose aim is to help hybrid vehicles perform better.

Turbodyne has the design of the flow Turbodyne Turbo ™ electronic air injection system. The technology is for the use of hybrid vehicles. "It is clear that hybrid vehicle is experiencing significant growth," said Al Case, the Chief Executive Officer of Turbodyne. "The biggest challenge is to provide a maximum engine performance and fuel economy simultaneously. There lies the opportunity for Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system, "Case added.

The Turbo Flow technology differs from turbo and super chargers by the absence of mechanical connections. This is because the flow Turbodyne turbo air injection system uses an electric motor for operating the air compressor, which in turn supplies air to the engine.

By eliminating the mechanical connection, the air injection is better than turbo or super chargers. Super Chargers have power from the engine to operate the air compressor, and this means that the current through the motor is reduced.

Turbochargers, on the other hand, with gas to exhaust air into the combustion chamber. This means that if there is much less exhaust, such as when starting a car, the turbocharger can not help the engine. Both the reduction of engine power and the lack of start-power problems are solved by the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system.

Since hybrid vehicles are known to a good storage of electrical energy, it makes sense that the new air injection for hybrid vehicles with electricity. Since the Turbodyne Turbo Flow ™ air injection system is not dependent on the motor, it can be used during a cycle. It is specifically designed to air in small engines such as the shift to hybrid engines.

This new technology, the performance of fuel-efficient cars. This could mean that hybrid vehicles will continue their domination of the automobile industry in the future. From the way things look, hybrid vehicles are the bully dog in the yard of the automotive industry.

With more and more developments like these, we can certainly expect more and more hybrid vehicles roaming our streets.

Jenny McLane is a 36-year-old native of Iowa and has a knack for research on cars and anything and everything about them. She works full time as a Market Analyst for one of the leading automotive suppliers in the country today. You may Bully Dog for more information.
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general motors hybrid vehicles

เขียนโดย Boboo ที่ 06:20 0 ความคิดเห็น
general motors hybrid vehicles
exemption is granted by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for the purchase of hybrid vehicles. Therefore, if you have a hybrid vehicle during the tax year 2007, could you stand in line to receive a tax credit worth as much as $ 3 000. This is the standard tax relief for the most fuel efficient models of the hybrid vehicle. generally, but it also depends on the brand and model, and if the vehicle is purchased.

This special tax credit is known as the "Alternative Motor Credit." It applies to vehicles in operation on or after January 2006. There are many hybrid vehicles currently available, the conditions for such tax relief. Vehicle can the credit on their tax return, 2007, when they are in such a vehicle into service in 2007. Since March 2007, forty different hybrid models are for the "Alternative Motor Credit."

This form of tax relief is only to the original purchaser of the hybrid operation skimmed or Advanced Technology Vehicle. However, if the vehicle is leased the credit will be sent to the leasing company.

After 60,000 vehicles of a particular manufacturer have been sold, this tax relief will benefit and ultimately eliminated. Your full tax credit may be claimed until the end of the 3rd Month following the quarter in which the manufacturer sells its 60,000 th vehicle.

Tax relief in the form of credit is no longer qualified for Toyota and Lexus vehicles. It was removed from the shopping after 1 October 2007.

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